23 Days, 17 Hours and 38 Minutes Before Scheduled Apocalypse

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        You have to remind yourself that you're nearly forty sometimes. You hate doing it, but it's necessary sometimes. Especially moments like this. 

        "Pause I swear to God, if you don't stop drawing penises all over the quota, I may just kill you, then reduce your salary."

        That is not the first time you've said a sentence along those lines.

        "Lighten up Guude! This is a photo-copied version, not the actual thing!"

        "Fucking hell guy, does it matter? I'm nearly fourty and I'm baby-sitting a group of adults, who might as well be twelve year olds cause of how mature they are!" Even though your words hold enough venom to kill a black mamba, you slouch into the nearest chair, and rest your head in your hands. The entire office is in various states of disarray, from the pencil holder knocked off Beef's desk when Pause had attempted "EPIC PARKOUR!", to Vechs laying dazed on the floor after you accidentally bulldozed through him. 

        "I can't breathe!" Bdubs chokes out admist his laughter, the only one other than you and Pause capable of doing something remotely similar to talking after the office had dissolved into fits of laughter. You raise your head to look Pause in the eye, and you guess you finally get through to him, because the dumb grin drops from his face.

        "Guude, seriously you gotta chill. You can't-"

        "I can do whatever I want to do Pause, because you know what? In the midst of you fucking around like a six year old hopped up on sugar, you didn't read what was actually on the god damn quota sheet, and you missed the fact that we're three months behind on rent. That means, that if we don't hit gold and find resources, get a gig, or get views, we. Are. Fucked. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" You're practically spitting the words by the tend of your outburst, and the office has gone quiet. 

        "Guude I-"

        "No words, just work." Pause closes his mouth gently as you drop your gaze. You feel a little guilty that you lost your shit on your friends, but you seriously need them to focus. You need to get out of here. "I need to make a phone call." With those parting words, you stride past Etho and Nebs, who both glance at you nervously for a milisecond before continuing to tidy up.

        You try to pace yourself down the stairwell, but you end up taking the steps two at a tiem down to the shop portion of the building. It closed early cause it's a Sunday, which means you don't have to worry about customers seeing you this tense. You reach the main floor and throw open the employees exit door, taking out a minor portion of your frustration on the innocent door. Your nose is violently assaulted by the scent of pollution slathered with bird shit, the natural smell of the 'grand city of Minecraftia'. Its familiar scent relieves some of the tension and you feel it sap out of you as your shoulders sag.

        You lean back against the wall and close your eyes. You love the guys, you really do. You wish that they'd act like adults instead of children all the time though. With the views on your videos not adding up, your build/redstone teams not getting any recent jobs and having no recent succesful mining operations, you need to find a source of income and fast.

        "Hey are you okay?" It's an unfamiliar voice and you open your eyes to see a brunette staring at you concerned. You think it's concern, because it's hard to tell with his sunglasses blocking his eyes.

        "Yeah guy, just stressed." He opens his mouth to ask something, then closes it, perhaps noticing the tension surrounding you.

        "Okay then, I thought you were stoned or something. Take care alright?" His mouth quirks up in a small grin, and you offer one back and lift a hand in goodbye. You can't help but stare at his amulet as he walks away. It's must've been ridiculously expensive judging by the quality of it. You blink once to rid yourself of the sluggish feeling, shake your head a couple times and turn to the door.

        Your name is JASON (A.K.A GUUDE) BOULDERFIST and you're gonna make sure that MINDCRACK INC. survives, no matter what.

A/N BOOM! First chapter done! Hope you all enjoyed and in the next chapter, we'll be going to Team Crafted's perspective, but in a different sort of way. So see you all next chapter! Bye~!!<3

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