Training the Alpha Ch:6

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Before I could start being a depressing bum, I slapped my cheeks a bit and walked out. "I'll see you after school bunny. I love you." I kissed his snout and patted his soft head.  

I grabbed my panda backpack because pandas are awesome off the floor and walked down stairs. I didn't bother saying goodbye since nobody was home, like always. I walked down the street and inhaled the sweet crisp air. 

I kept walking till the school was in view and walked slower. All the happiness I felt earlier started to fade away as I approached the building.

Ever since the cafeteria "incident" instead of being know as Adam's  people that were mad about it but couldn't do anything started to pick on me.

I couldn't walk down the hallways with out getting a death glare by girls that were in "love" with Adam or triumphant smirks from whores that have been Adam's bed buddies or better yet fuck buddies because me and Adam use to bed buddies and it's what it means.We'd always sneak in each others room and just cuddle in the same bed without doing anything dirty.

Maybe I just wasn't enough. I snapped my head out of it when I bumped into someone and felt a tingling feeling were we touch. I was going to apologize but my heart got caught in my throat when I realized who it was without looking up.

I wanted to look up but if I did that I knew I wouldn't be able to stop my self from looking into his eyes and kiss him with everything I had as if that would magically fix everything.

I almost did until I heard a bitchy high pitch voice whine, "Eww, that filthy skank bumped into you on purpose." I rolled my glassy eyes and ignored everyone as I picked up what dignity I had left and opened my locker that sadly was three feet away from them.

God must really hate me or I must of been Hitler in my past life to deserve this. I twisted my combination in and threw the door open so fast the only picture I had in there left since all the ones I had in there where of Adam and me fell out and dropped on the floor.

I picked it up and couldn't stop the stupid grin that grew on my face when I looked at it for the millionth time. it was of bunny standing on two paws with those glasses that have a big fat pink nose and mustache attached to them.

How he found them and put them on was way beyond me. One month with him and I gave up on figuring him out. I laughed softly to myself as I wiped my nose and carefully kissed the picture. Even when he's not with me he always finds a way of cheering me up.

My moment was disturbed once again when a loud bam hit the lockers next to me. I tossed the pictures in and closed my locker to see Adam and some cheerleader who's name I didn't care about having a full out make out session.

Adam had one of his hands squeezing her ass and the other one inside her shirt while she had one around his neck and the other entwined with a fist full of his hair. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moaned.

I could hear someone sobbing hysterical but was stuck on the scene in front of me. I found out that it was me sobbing like a maniac when Adam turned his head to look at me and for a moment of pain and sadness covered it before being replaced with a blank mask but looking closely you could see the worry in his eyes.

Mine widened when I couldn't breath and was still sobbing. I was shocked that after so many years I finally had another asthma attack. Adam seemed to realize this because he reached out to help me but slapped him away as I managed to choke out, "Don't. You. Dare. Touch. Me!"

I forced my self to go to the bathroom and dumped all of my backpacks continence on the sink. When I found my inhaler I took two long puffs and just took deep breaths trying to control it. After a long time I got back to it's regular state and sighed in relief.

I shoved everything in my bag not caring if it was in order and locked my self in the handicapped toilet. I walked to the corner and felt my legs buckle. I slid down the wall and pulled my hands across my hair to get it out of my face.


I knew he was over me but did he really need to shove it in my face? It felt as if some one was rubbing salt and lime on the opened wounds that was left of my heart. Right now I really wanted to kill my self.

The one person that made my life living for just finished it. He was the only person that truly cared about me. My parents would probably drown it out with work I had no other friends, bunny would go back to the woods and live his life how it's meant and Lizzy has Adam.

I had no point in this world. Why stay? The door opened but I didn't care. By now the whole school knew what happened and I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.

The steps got closer and stopped. In front of my stall. What shocked me the most was that instead of finding a pair of shoes I found two furry paws then a head poking under the door. He crawled under the stall and immediately went to comfort me.

I brought him in a hug and cried like a scared child. The only thing I knew right now is that I never wanted bunny to leave me.

For some reason i was listening to MGMT the whole time i was writing this chapter. If you haven't heard of them i recomend listening to: Kids, electric feel and time to pertend.

Training the AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ