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Dielari: Why?

Chapter 2


After opening my invitation to Tinis birthday party, I give her a call.

"Tini? it's Diego." I say.

"Hey! So..... can you come?" she asks.

"I'm there! but I need to ask," I grit my teeth.

"Yes Clara will be there and you will have to see the woman you still love even though she hates you." She explains, wow either I'm predictable or she can read my mind.

I groan,"She still hates me?"

"I have no idea. But no offence if I were her, I'd be pretty mad."

"But I love her. I never stopped loving her. I was an idiot, I know that, she has all the right to hate me, but its been a year now, can't she find it in her heart to at least talk to me? I messed up, but that doesn't mean I don't wish I could turn back time and correct my mistakes. I want more than anything for her to be okay with me, for us to be alright again. I've not dated any girl since what happened and I don't intend to, doesn't that show I want Clara back?" the pain in my voice really shines through,

She whines,"You know I want you and Clari back together. The two of you had the perfect relationship! But she's one of my best friends and I need to be on her side."

"Tell me what to do then, what happens now?" I ask, I want Clari back more than anything, I need her, I'm desperate.

She goes on to explain,"Well I posted her invite an hour ago, so she should be home soon and then she will probably call me and ask me what to do just as you did. I'll talk to her and tell her to talk to you, then you should hear from her by tomorrow morning maximum."

I grin,"Thanks Tini! This is great! I'll talk to you later, bye!"

Finally, things are on the edge of working out again, I spend my afternoon writing down little pointers and notes, preparing myself on what to do. One thing I learnt from my relationship with Clari was that if I say one thing wrong it will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Then just as Tini said, I get a text from Clari saying;

'We need to talk.'

And so I reply;

'Just name a time and place.'

Two minutes later;

'6pm tonight, my apartment.'

I could scream, She's wiling to see me and talk to me! This is brilliant, I just need to talk to her properly and explain everything, why I did what I did and why I wish I didn't, that I still love her, and that I want us to be together. I don't know if it will work, but I'll try my best to get her to understand and really listen to me. This somehow will all work out in the end, I'm sure of it.

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