It's me-ttebasa!

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I kinda like this story more and idek if I'll loose my "writing inspiration" soon.
Anyways lets get this done and over with!
Chapter 3!
Hinata started to stare at Boruto like he had two heads or something like that. She could easily recognize him.. "Is th..that Boruto..?" She was surprised to see the son of the seventh hokage, carried by the hands of the young uchiha. "Yea.. it's Boruto.." she said nervously. "How did this happen?". Sarada giggled nervously. "'s kinda a long story...?" She said while Boruto saw Kitsune again. But he ignored her this time because he didn't want to annoy his friends again. Sarada handed him to his mom. 'Himawari?!' He started to look at his little sister, his "big" sister now. "Who's that?" She said starring at her "now baby" brother. 'Hima! It's me!'. Then Hinata said, "this is boruto! I don't really know what happened and why he is like this...". Himawari looked at her mom for a moment, then at Boruto. "Onii-chan?! Is that really you? Why are you smaller? Why is your shirt bigger? Why are—" Hinata cut her off, "that's enough questions Himawari!" Then Boruto started to coo softly... and made other baby noises. "We should get going now.. bye..". Then they left.
Hinata looked at Boruto, who felt like passing out. "We need to change your clothes... they're awfully too big now." She sighed. Then she knew the perfect clothes for Boruto. She ran upstairs to the attic, got his old baby clothes and ran back downstairs. When she was done putting them on... boruto was already asleep. Then she took the rest of his clothes to his room.
"Argh.. I still need to do all of these documents, dattebayo!!" Said Naruto, the seventh hokage. Shikamaru, the father of Shikadai, was already home fast asleep with his wife, Temari. Just then, Hinata came into the room. "H..hinata?! What are you doing here-ttebayo?!" She looked at Naruto and said,
"It's Boruto..."
"Huh? What's wrong with him?"
"He turned into a baby!!"
"NANI?! HOW?!"
"I don't know... Sarada said it was a long story.. but she said they found him that way..."
"I guess I'll just go home with you-ttebayo..."
"But Naruto! Your paperwork?"
"I don't think they'll mind if I leave..."
Then they left.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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Age regression-ttebasa?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora