Chapter Two - Who Are You Shoki?

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By this time Izuku has spent a half hour trying to figure out who Shoki was but ended up clueless and dumbfounded, what did this Shoki want to meet him about anyways, maybe he is a fan? Who's to say if Shoki is a he anyway, it's not like Izuku was a mind reader, he was in his early sages to becoming a 20 year old man, that's a fifth of a century and it felt almost like he was going to die sooner rather than later...

'This guy is a ghost on the internet as well he must just have this as a nickname or something, heh yea that's it', Izuku though to himself since when he met Shoki it might all be answered for him.

'Knock Knock', Izuku would jump up from his computer resting on his bed almost frightened.

'I'm not meant to get scared like that, I'm a hero', Izuku thought to himself.

He'd then walk up to his front door and open it slightly then closing it as he takes the locks off the door's inside so he could open the door further.


"Hello, Deku right", the person would answer bluntly as if with no emotion.

"Yes, I'm Deku, What can I do you for", Deku would question the stranger.

"Alright I'm Shoki here for a meeting?"

"Right, right I wasn't expecting you until like what Thursday", Deku would exclaim calmly.

"sorry when I called I may have sounded blunt like usual but over the phone it seems to be worse. but I organised for today, is that a problem, pro hero", Shoki would speak as he pulls at his collar.

"I'm here to be your new bodyguard, If you'll accept?"

Many thoughts were running through Izuku's head right now, one he was Deku for this and the man didn't even appear joyful he guessed It was a bonus some thoughts were like:

'What, do I even need a bodyguard, I have better control over my powers since U.A?'

'Still how did this man find my house?'

'Why does he look familiar?'

These questions kept rolling in his head when he finally came to a conclusion-

"Alright it is settled then, I will be you, Deku's, new bodyguard starting today", The man would point out.

"I'm sorry but I as you may know and currently the top hero, a pro hero, am I in need of a bodyguard, maybe you should go ask someone else-"

He was cut  off by Shoki.

"Is it not useful to have someone extra to make sure your protected?"

"N-no I guess not but-"

"Then it is set in stone, I am your new bodyguard, Shoki"

"Like I said I'm in no need for a bodyguard Shoki", Deku would exclaim to his new bodyguard gesturing his hands and arms whilst pushing back the blush that was creeping up onto his cheeks as the bodyguard moved closer to shake hands. Deku would then eventually give in and shake hands with the newly met stranger, his new bodyguard.

'Do I have to pay him', Deku would ask himself. Letting out a sigh Deku would lift his mask opening his mouth to speak as his wavy green hair made his head seem like a bush until Izuku brushed it back into a man-bun using a hair tie.

"In that case, I am Izuku Midoriya", Deku would accept his handshake with a calm, but childish grin. 

Nodding Shoki would settle his mask as it had been slipping as he spoke.

"I am Shoki, but one one condition may you know my real name, if my mask falls off at any point, for now my identity to you is a secret, is that a problem", Izuku's new bodyguard would exclaim.

Nodding Izuku would agree to his terms then asking-

"Do you have a quirk, if you don't mind me asking"?

"Yes, I have use my left hand to shoot ice and that is it", Shoki would have a calm but obviously shaken look on his face as Izuku ignores it with belief in Shoki's word.


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