Ch.54: You are the light, I'm the vampire (vampire)

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  "I'll pass."

  "Boss, he's gone. Spike split." One of the vampires sighed. Turning around, I saw that he really was gone. 'That son of a bitch....' I lowly growled.

  "Ah, well, that's what I get for socializing. All right, come on, boys. We'll locate Mr. Spike and, uh, talk to him a little more." The shark guy said while fixing his tie. "Oh, it was a genuine pleasure." He sort of bowed before snarling with a little growl at me. I sighed while shaking my head.

  "If I would just stop saving his ass, it would make things so much simpler."


  I was restocking the shelves behind the counter, and Pops was talking to Buffy in the back of the shop. I already knew what he was telling her since he already told me. He was going to tell us both at the same time but thought against it since that would mean he'd have an upset Slayer and half-demon to deal with at once. So, I was the first that he told about him going back to England.

  "So, what do we got?" Dawn asked when she and Tara arrived, and Pops and Buffy were done talking.

  "Sorry?" Pops looked up while Anya and Tara were thumb-wrestling.

  "What kind of ooglie-booglies?" Dawn continued as I replaced empty jars and fixed the displayed items behind the register. "Lizard-y types or, um, zombies or-or vampires or what?"

  "There are no ooglie-booglies, Dawn." Pops stated while cleaning his glasses.

  "Thanks for the jacket. It's cold out there." Willow said as she came in with Xander.

  "Not a problem. The cold only makes me stronger and more macho-like." He replied, and Pops rose to his feet.

  "I'm glad you're here. Um...." Pops glanced at Buffy and I while putting his hands into his pockets. "I have something I really have to tell you all. Um, I know it feels like we've been through this before."

  "Why don't you just jump to the chase?" Buffy stood up off the metal stairs. "Tell them that you're-"

  "Buffy." I cut her off. "Just let him-" I was interrupted by the front door bursting open before it was slammed shut. I could tell it was a vampire from the smoke coming off the brown suit.

  "Spike?" Pops raised a brow at him.

  "Holy moly." Anya said as I burst into laughter at how ridiculous he looked with the hat and suit he was wearing.

  "You need to give me asylum." Spike said as I had to hold my stomach, and put one hand on the counter.

  "I'll say." Xander popped off.

  "No need to get cute. It's a disguise." He pulled the hat off. "Happens there's a bloke I'd rather not see just now." The vampire walked over and sat on the counter next to the cash register. "Hey, stop laughing." He looked at me, and I quickly stood up while covering my grin. "You met him, I believe. Toothy bloke with the baby seal breath."

  "Shark dude?" I asked.

  "Nasty fellow, him, and ugly too." The vampire nodded. "He's got a mouthful of choppers just waiting to be yanked out and worn as necklaces." There was a pause as I was still snickering. When I was done, I waved a hand.

  "Okay, I'm good. I'm good."

  "Well, now we've recovered from Spike's sartorial humor, I'll the case." Pops looked back at Buffy. "Um," He stepped closer to the middle of the room, and I began to play with my necklace. "I'm headed back to England, and I plan to stay....indefinitely." Pops sat down next to Anya. I looked down at the ring on the black chain to distract me from everyone's sad looks.

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