Ch. 21 Public Library

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Farkle turns his head slightly to the right to look at Maya who is staring at him. 

" I don't know. I don't want to make Aurora uncomfortable," Farkle tells Riley. 

" Farkle. I am not going to be close to her. I promise you. I am going to be with Yogi at all times, and besides, she is going to be with Lucas," Maya tells Farkle. 

Farkle hummed. 

" Alright. You can go, but if you do something that makes my Aurora uncomfortable. You will regret it. Not only that, I am watching you," Farkle tells Maya while making some hand motions to make her know that he is watching her. 

Maya nods her head. 

Maya knows Farkle has a thing for Aurora. It's obvious, but Aurora doesn't see it since she thinks that Farkle is kind to her due to being best friends. 

" Let's go," Farkle tells Riley, Maya, and Yogi. 

Farkle turns around and walks through the crowded hallway with Riley, Maya, and Yogi following behind him. The four children head to the front of the school where Aurora and Lucas are waiting for them. 

Aurora and Lucas stood next to each other as they talked about their favorite animals. 

" You really do like Elephants, huh?" Lucas stares at Aurora with an amused expression. 

" I do. I find them adorable especially their long trunks," Aurora giggles. 

Lucas chuckles.

" Well. My favorite animal is a horse," Lucas smiles at Aurora. 

" That is nice. Did you have horses back at Texas?" Aurora curiously asked. 

" I do have horses. Twenty-four horses to be exact. My Grandpa, Pappy Joe is watching over them for me at his ranch," Lucas tells Aurora. " Also, I helped one of my horses give birth," He smiles at her. 

" Aww," Aurora smiles back at Lucas. 

Lucas opened his mouth to say something but is cut off by Farkle and Riley who stepped out of the school building. 

" Hey," Farkle and Riley looked at Aurora and Lucas with a smile. " We are ready," He tells them. 

Aurora turns to look at Farkle and Riley with a friendly smile. Her smile quickly disappears when she sees Maya stepping out of the school building with Yogi standing next to her. 

" I hope you don't mind me bringing Maya and Yogi along with us," Riley politely tells Aurora and Lucas. 

Lucas glanced at Aurora. 

Aurora lightly bites her lips. 

" Sure. They can come with us," Aurora gives them a fake smile which Farkle and Lucas quickly noticed. 

" Yay!" Riley cheers feeling happy that her cousin is okay with Maya going with them to the Public Library. 

" Let's go," Lucas tells everyone. 

The six children left the school property as they head to the Public Library which is a ten-minute walk. They enter the building, and the children wore an awed expression when they looked at their surroundings. 

" This place is where the ancients stored all their wisdom," Farkle explains to the others. 

Lucas pulls out a very dusty book called "Tales of Human Interaction" off of a nearby shelf with his right hand. 

Maya reads the title of the book and smiles thinking that the book will be good for the project. 

" Yogi and I found what we are looking for. We are going to go sit down and read it," Maya tells the group as she walks towards a table with Yogi following behind her. 

Maya and Yogi sat down. 

Maya opens the book.

" Not until we put down our phones, switch off our computers, and look into each other's eyes will we be able to touch each other's hearts," Maya reads. 

As Maya reads this, Aurora and Lucas looked at each other in the eyes while Farkle looks at Aurora and Riley looks at Lucas. 

" Let's go over there and start searching for a book that we can use for our project," Lucas points to a random shelf and whispers to Aurora since they are in a library. 

" Sure," Aurora nods her head and smiles. 

Aurora and Lucas walked passed Farkle and Riley. 

Farkle and Riley looked at each other and then at Aurora and Lucas. They can't help but feel uncomfortable knowing that their crushes are standing next to each other and doing a project together. 

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