Chapter 1: The Night Shift

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"As much as I love you, why, oh why, must you bring up 2015? We both know that was a shitty year for me anyway. And not just because of that nightmare, even the jobs that followed were disasters!"

"I do it for 2 reasons, to teach you a lesson and mostly to irritate you." You laughed as they playfully pushed you into the elevator. "Love you too (F/N)."

"Sure you do, how long do you think we'll be out there?"

"Most of the night I'd say. Oh wait, I forgot the camera!" You caught the door before it closed and dashed to your desk. As soon as you touched the handle, a distant thud startled you. Camera in hand, you made your way to the source of the sound. Cole's office door was wide open, as well as the window.

"(Y/N), hey where'd you go? Come on Cole just sent me a text, he's waiting for us!" (F/N) called out to you.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" You walked in for a moment to close the window before joining your friend in the elevator. After you both made sure your suits were fully equipped, you made your way to the abandoned lab. Upon arriving the first thing you both noticed was the damaged security booth. (F/N) gagged at the sight of the blood stained windows, your cue to keep driving before (he/she) ruined your dashboard.

[10:12 PM - Life Foundation Entrance]

"Hey, are you gonna be alright?"

"You know I don't do well...with blood." they gagged slightly "One of the few reasons I became a vegetarian, I'll manage though. But didn't those stains look fresh to you?"

"They did, from a distance I'd say they were about an hour old. Whoever was on duty did not have a good night."

"And yet you still keep driving?!" You tsked as you parked "Hey I'm serious, what if those 'lab rats' from the memo are still here?"

"If they are then they need to be taken in. Plus there were only 2, they shouldn't be too hard to find."

"In a place this big, did you not look at the floor plan to this lab?" You gripped the steering wheel with an impatient sigh, glaring at your friend.

"...You do realize that we haven't even left the car yet, right? We haven't even set foot outside yet and you're already in hysterics. As a bonus, you're starting to piss me off." you angrily, yet calmly replied as you exited the car.

"I'm not being hysterical, I'm being realistic." (F/N) replied promptly. With an eye-roll/sigh combo you opened the trunk. (F/N) friend groaned, annoyed to see your co-workers dressed in your issued hazmat suits. "Don't say a word, just...just don't, OK?" You laughed hysterically as they retrieved their suit.

"(F/N), (Y/N), finally everyone's here. To sum up your job, you'll be in the west hall. I want you to check out the main control room."

"But didn't the file say—?"

"I know what it said (Y/N), but that was a mix up. You can guess who's responsible for that." You all looked back as a co-worker tripped on his own boots. "Brandon, pick up your feet and suit up, you're the only one not ready!!"

"S-Sorry Cole!" he waved sheepishly before putting on his helmet.

"I know he means well, but I thought we all agreed that he should never handle paperwork again. Especially after that time he got (F/N) after that transfer mix up." you commented, Cole rubbing his temples with a sigh.

"Look guys, he printed out the un-revised copies of the assignments and passed them out before I could stop him. Called himself trying to help, if anything this kid is gonna put us all off schedule. Speaking of which get to it, I need a report and photos before you leave. And for the love of God please do not break that camera."

Venom x Fem.Reader x Eddie: A Toxic RelationshipDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora