Z.H. - With Her

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"thank you for caring for me, but I think you should care for yourself as well, every time I enter the library you're already there comfortable. I have never seen you got up not even to use the bathroom. I know you don't eat much and I was even worried thing you self harm but that was sadly confirmed when you winced, yelped, and curse when I held your thigh, and grabbed your wrist." Zach explained.

"I can expla-" Y/n spoke up but soon being cut of by Zach. "you don't have to explain if I'm being honest I've liked you since third grade and I noticed the changes happening you losing weight, becoming silent Y/n you used to be so fucking out going you were the highlight off my day shit you still are." Zach said getting frustrated.

one by one Y/n grew scared she thought she finally had a friend but now she was going to lose him since he would think she's a freak, each word coming out of Zach felt like a bullet, making her shrink in her own bow more and more. It should have been a compliment but the sudden hit of

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It's been 2 months after Y/n and Zach had that conversation and Y/n wasn't cooperating much. She ate twice a day now and not once but she would eat in such small portions nothing would change. Zach had forced her to stay with Him and the boys- Them being okay as long as "non of you hurt her" said by Corbyn. to make sure she was okay, eating properly, not cutting, etc. As you can tell the boys were really worried.

one day the boys had to go to a meeting involving their education, album, and tour. They would usually bring Y/n but considering that she is not meant to be there, she was sleeping, and this was in late noticed they didn't bring her.

Zach was hesitant at first but Daniel re assured she would be okay so he left for the sake of the boys, limelights, and the album.

Y/n woke up to an empty house, on a couch and a text from Zach and Corbyn. "We went to the studio for a meeting - Zach" "Hey sis we went to the studio Daniel tried to cook but burnt it their in the fridge. filled up your card and sent you money feel free to order take out but save some for me loser. be back in 2 hours - Corbyn PS we are talking about what happened last night.

You see last night Y/n and Corbyn had a heated argument about her not dating any of the boys since she has gotten close to the boys. The argument ended with Y/n sleeping on the couch with nothing but decorative pillows, in jeans and a tight tank top with no blanket.

Both of them exchange words they didn't mean Y/n said he didn't have talent while Corbyn called her a mistake, Y/n said he doesn't deserve Christina and Corbyn said she didn't deserve love. needless to say Y/n felt guilty and extremely sad.

She didn't mean what she told Corbyn but she felt sad Corbyn might have meant it. Y/n wasn't in the proper mind set to be left alone. She hasn't felt so insecure, so shitty, so depressed, and so suicidal in weeks.

She went over to the bathroom and cut for the first time in about 5 days. The sting felt nice and seeing the blood drip was satisfying, She felt at home. She cleaned up the blood and dressed up walking out the door locking it behind her.

She arrived at the hardware store asking for a rope.

"Hello excuse me do you know the aisle of where I can find ropes?" Y/n asked tapping the shoulder of an employee awkwardly. "It's in the other aisle ma'am do you want me to help you look for the right rope?" The employee asked. "no thank you." Y/n said walking over to the aisle, looking at the variety of ropes reaching for one.

after buying the rope with the money Corbyn gave her she went over to the ceiling fan pulling a chair and tying up a noose. She got up on a chair and jumped. She was now really finally free.

The boys rushed over to the house once Corbyn saw a rope in his bill. Zach rushing up to the room seeing Y/n hung up on the ceiling, her face completely limp, her body drained of color.

Zach gets on the chair lifting her calling Corbyn do come with a knife. Corbyn came running in holding back sobs knowing why Zach needed it. he handed it the Zach holding Y/n up while Zach tried cutting through the rope.

The rope was through strong so he untied the rope laying Y/n on the floor untying the rope from her neck. Daniel and Jonah entered pulling Corbyn and Zach away so Jack could check her pulse since both of them were shaking.

Jack comes in with a blanket since her skin felt cold but then he was looking for a pulse and couldn't find one. He looked down then at the boys with an expression that can only mean bad news. Corbyn cried hard the 3 giving him apologetic looks.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Zach said.


it has been 2 days since it happened. It was the day of the service and Corbyn was next after the parents.

"Y/n was my sister, people would compare her to me and honestly I would hate it because she was better than me. She was sarcastic she was caring, smart, pretty, skinny, tall, she had it all she got all the men and I had to literally kick all their asses before Y/n could know" he said everyone chuckling slightly.

"Zach was perfect for her he would never shut up about her and in my opinion annoyed me because she was my little sister. I couldn't wait for the day she would marry him because he was good for her but she was better I couldn't wait to be able to call Zach my Brother in law" Corbyn said sighing looking at the coffins then back to the people.

"one thing got stuck in my head his words his promises he said 'If she dies I die with her' and who knew he would commit suicide in the bathroom of his room that room is now empty the only things inside are their things. The band isn't complete without Zach the family isn't complete without Y/n. Thank you." Corbyn said.

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