Chapter 2

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We walked into homeroom and took our sits. Austin use to sit next to me I guess he took Sarah seat next to Alex

         "He took my sit."Sarah said pouting

          "We're only in homeroom for like 5 minutes." I said

           "Yeah but I wanted to talk to Alex." She said

           "Its ok he's in your next class right." I asked

         "Yeah but that's Ms.McCarthy and you know how she goes." She said. I was about to speak but was cut of.

            "Emilia Lopez."Mr.Hudson said

             "Here." I said

  The bell rings after registration and throughout the day I tried to talk with Austin to explain why we're moving but he would just ignore me. I realized that the crew was starting to wondering what was going on between Austin and I. They noticed that we weren't cuddling or showing PDA or sitting next to each other so at lunch they began to ask at lunch what's going on with us.

            "What happened to you guys?"Zach asked

             "We broke up." I said plainly

              "Why you guys were my favorite couple"  Robert said

              "Because......... well." I said not wanting to tell them

             "Because she's moving that's why."Austin said

            "Your leaving?" Alex.  asked

             "Thanks alot Austin, yes I'm moving I just found out yesterday after school."

          "Your very welcome."Austin said smiling    "Don't leave me Emmy,please don't leave me with these people." Robert said

            "I mean I don't like the fact your leaving me but I guess I just have to accept it." Alex said

           I'll miss you,when are you leaving?oh,oh, oh we should go get our nails done and hair did." Zach said in a girly voice

          "I'm leaving in four weeks and of course, I'm glad took it better than some people." I said looking at Austin

           "Hey Austin I heard you were single mange you'll like to go out sometime." I heard Taylor say looking at me. Man I can't stand that girl she gets on my nerves. Everything I have she want, it make me sick

            "Um okay sure.' He said not sure if he want to: go or not

        "Bye." She said walking away and I'm not going to lie when I say I was completely jealous why would he say yes did he not love me.

          "Um guys I'll be back." I said standing up to walk to the bathroom

           "Need me to come with you?" Sarah asked

          "Nah I'm a big girl I can go all by myself." I said confidentially

            "Okay then." She responded

After she said that I went into the bathroom and just started thinking then someone came in said

         "Haha look at Emilia

she must be very sad that Austin is going on a date with mwa gorgeous.

           "You know what taylor I don't care if you and Austin go on a date I don't even care if you date because all I know is that he would date trash like you." I said

Saying that just bring out more confidence in me. After saying that I walked out of the bathroom to my locker to get my books for next period. I got my books and wait for the bell to ring

It rang and I went off to to class. I had history which had my favorite teacher Mrs. Pinder teaching it.

         "Alittle early don't you think." Ms Pinder said

           "Yeah I guess." I said going to sit down

             "I just be sitting her marking." She said

             "Okay."I said taking opening my history book.

        When I looked up alot of people was in the classroom so Mrs.Pinder started teaching but I really didn't listen my mind wasn't on track I was thinking about Austin to much. Why would he do that to me if he know I don't like her.

         "Hey are you ok,we didn't see after you left."Robert said

           "Yeah I'm fine." I answered

Through the rest of the I just wanted the bell to so I can go home.

School was finally out. So I hopped on the bus. When the bus reached my house I rushed out the bus into my house. Of course no one was home so home so I just went to sleep. I laid down and just fall asleep


*Disclaimer*I don't own anyone in this story only the story and the story plot

Forever // A.Mحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن