The Flowers Garden

Start from the beginning

"This flower is being bullied out of resources since it's so small. I'm trying to take this poor thing from here and put her where she can grow big and strong. The problem is the roots are so small that I'm struggling to remove her without hurting the roots."

I whimper a bit as I feel another root snap from my hands. Without warning Mister Clint was in my face and surprised me, causing me to let out a yelp. I recovered and went back to work.

"Stop, left."

I looked at him confused and saw he had removed his sunglasses and was staring at the flower. I look back and tried to find what he saw, it was a root I almost hurt. Slowly and methodically, with the help of Mister Clints' eyes, I had the week flower in my hands. I brought it to my chest and cradled it to my breasts as I turn and go to one of the large pots I had. I get a plastic container as I went to carefully place the flower in when a hand stopped me.

"Here, I'll hold it, you get the pot ready."

I give him a shocked look before gently passing him the fragile poppy and then bruised myself with the soil. I placed a large amount of my nutrient-rich soil into the pot, making sure it wasn't too compact and was slightly damp, before turning back to Mister Clint. 

I didn't say anything but he understood, handing me the poppy and I placed it in the pot. Slowly I tenderly spread and arranged the roots so they are in a perfect place before putting the rest of the soil in. I stand up and wipe my hands on my apron before turning back to Mister Clint.

"Thank you so much for helping, I never want any of my sweets to be hurt."

He had his glasses back on so I couldn't read his expression.

"You really care about them huh?"

I give him a fond smile as I look at my garden.

"Yes, they mean the world to me."

I heard him sigh and I look back to see his head in his hand.

"Look, I know I'm supposed to be wary of you, and that you're meant to be dangerous, but I just can't."

I was confused about what he meant. He looked straight up and groaned before looking at me.

"You serve Loki, and that man has done some bad shit, but you're just too sweet! No mass death weapon or psycho murder would be as gentle as you. Hell most normal people would just rip the flower from the ground. If they did decide to replant it they wouldn't be so delicate as to not hurt it. I just can't believe you are evil or have any ill plans."

He removed his glasses and I could see the conflict in his eyes.

"What's your favorite flower here?"

I was taken aback by the sudden question, but I quickly organize myself.

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