Chapter Four

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The Buzzer ends and the screams got louder and louder I honestly didn't even know who won. I Only figured it out as my teammates started screaming and ran into a big huddle.

While out of that field I couldn't hear anything my brain was saying to myself, The screams drowned it all out. I just ran I honestly didn't even know what i was doing. All i know is that if they kicked the ball my way i just ran, ran for my life and tried to shoot into that freaking Goal net thing. I know that somehow i got Two goals. Honestly didn't know how. I think it was because i could out run everyone else. I was in Track, i was the best on my team.

I just stood there in the middle of this mosh pit my team had made. I Wasn't sure exactly what to do. Until they ushered my team to line up to shake the other teams hand. After we were rushed into the Locker rooms to change and get ready for the After party. I guess if that's what you wanna call it. I'm just putting my earrings back in as Mitch comes up to me.

"You didn't tell anyone you could play like that. You were the star of the show." He stands against the locker smirking.
"I honestly didn't know i could Play like that." I say honestly and excuse myself as I find Quinn and tell her I'm ready to go up to the Party. 

Eliza immediately spots me and Trots over to me since she's wearing Heels. She gives me the biggest Hug ever.

everyone to hear
"I Don't even know how i did that I Legit couldn't even think i just ran and ran and i'm really surprised i didn't shit myself." I say as someone comes up and interrupts me

"Hi Olivia, I'm Trent with TheDailyMail Can we ask you some questions?" He didn't even wait for me to respond, He went right into the questions
"What did you do to prepare for today?" He ask's

"Um I didn't really do anything. I Went out one day to practice with my friend But other then that nothing." He pulls his microphone back to his face
"What was going through your head as you scored those two goals."
"Honestly I couldn't even think, I Just kept running and somehow kicked the ball in the right place."
"Now what did Prince Harry say to you before and after the match."

"Um we didn't get to talk that much. I know he was really excited to be doing this for the Kids." 
I say and Thank him as Quinn comes and pulls me aside and i'm so grateful she did so

I Walk up to the Bar and order a 'Whisky on the rocks'

"Wouldn't pin you as the whisky kind of women." I hear a voice say and look over And see the one and only His royal highness Prince Harry.

"What would you pin me as then?" I ask curiously as the bartender comes up to ask for his order

"Can I have what she's having?" he says to the bartender. then looks at me and says
"Maybe a Moscow mule" He smirks and says. I Take a sip of my drink and look at him

" That is Stereo typing. If you would like to know I enjoy Whisky, Old fashions oh and A Whisky sour is quite nice"

"Cheers to that" He says and raises his glass to it
"I do enjoy those two, we might just have to go get one together, you know when so many people aren't around" He says quietly so only he and I could hear.

"Is that so. Maybe We'll just have to wait and see" He stares at me and I smirk

"Your highness sir, Can we have a moment with you."  Harry looks at me and then back at whoever asked to speak with him. "Of course Please give me a second"

"Olivia, a pleasure speaking with you again. I Promised to take you for a drink.
But I couldn't do that without your number." He says and I look at him like he is crazy
He notices and laughs "What you think i'm joking?"

"Frankly yes." I laugh
He looks at me and says "Please"

I stop and think for one second
"Well you did say the magic word" I smile softly and his smile gets even wider than it already is. He pulls out his phone and hands it to me. I put my number in and say a quick goodbye and go off to find Eliza
We don't stay at the after party much longer as it wasn't really my thing.

Eliza and I travel back to my house and quickly get out of heels and change into Pajamas
"My feet hurt so much, It feels like an Elephant stepped on them" I say as a combination of The heels and running around kicking a soccer ball as i'm not used to it. Eliza walks back into our living room with two glasses of wine.

"So I Saw Prince Harry chatting you up." She says sitting down
"Tell me Everything"

I sigh and dive right into what happened
TELL ME YOU GAVE IT TO HIM" She screams I'm sure making  my neighbors wake up

I stare at her and say "Well at first i didn't i wanted to make sure he actually wanted it. But in the end I did"

"Prince Harry wanted your number and you didn't want to give it to him??? Are you Crazy liv? This is going to be like a fairy book you're going to get married and live happily ever after"

I couldn't help but laugh at her
"Why are you laughing Liv You're going on a date with Prince Harry"

"First of all he said A Drink not a date. And second of all He Probably asks every single girl he see's for her number. He is never going to actually text me. So slow your horses we're not getting married we're not even going on a date." I speak truthfully

"Well you're right it's never going to happen if you think like that she says

I quickly change the subject being tired of talking about something that's never going to happen. We spend the rest of the night watching reality shows and eventually falling asleep around 5 in the morning.

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