Part 2

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I wake up in our messy bedroom. A gap between the curtains fills the room with some light. I look at the alarm clock. It's 6:30am, 15 minutes until the alarm goes off. Draco is still asleep.

When there aren't any nightmares to bother him, he's a heavy sleeper, needing 3 alarms, or a sweet boyfriend, to wake him up.

He is laying on his side with his leg curled around mine.

His arm lays on my chest, keeping me close.

His hair, oh my God his hair.

His blonde locks are messy making him look even hotter.

His eyes are closed but his mouth is a little bit opened.

His plumbed lips are just begging to be kissed, so that's what I do. Softly I press my lips against his which brings out a quiet moan and he turns around, making me face his back.

It's a hot back.

I pull on some sweatpants and a shirt, which I later realize is Draco's. I don't mind, it smells like him.

I get the Daily Prophet from the owl by the window and make coffee. Black for me, milk and caramel sauce for Draco.

He says he likes it 'as black as Potter's hair'.

This is a lie.

I hear the alarm going off, followed by a loud sigh and some mumbling. 'Stupid muggle clock.'

I sit down next to Draco and give him his coffee and a part of the newspaper. In silence we read and drink.

We don't really talk in the morning, both too grumpy. But we rub our feet together softly. Our way of saying good morning.

After about 10 minutes Draco lays his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. I start kissing his head softly. 'I'm gonna shower.' He says as he glides of the bed, grabs some clothes and enters the bathroom.

While Draco showers I put the coffee cups in the sink and try to cleanup our bedroom. Which basically means putting all the clothes on a chair.

'The hell are you doing?'

Draco is staring at me in a white shirt with a green tie. His hair is slicked back messy. He looks so handsome.

'You should either fold it and put it back or throw i- You know what? Never mind. Go shower, I'll clean up.'

I laugh at him and walk to the bathroom.

'Wait' he says as he grabs my shirt and pulls me to him. He kisses me hard and pulls away. 'Is that my shirt?' 'Oh shut up.' I say and I go to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower, throw on a T-shirt and put my hair in a man bun, or, how Draco likes to call it, a-'Merlin your hair looks hot'-bun.
I walk to the kitchen, attracted by the smell of food.

Draco always cooks, even though I had to cook for the Dursley's for 4 years, I'm a terrible chef. The fact that you don't have to cook at Hogwarts, ever, didn't help that.

Draco on the other hand is an amazing cook, I don't know if it has anything to do with his talent for potions, but he always just throws some ingredients in a pan and bam, delicious meal.

I grab our coats from the coat rack and hand Draco his. He, as a healer, has a light green long coat with loads of pockets. I have a leather jacket with many protecting spells on them. You'll need those as an auror.

We grab our bags and walk outside. When we are on the end if the street we walk into an alley.

'I'll see you at Andromeda's tonight, right?' I ask.

'Yes, love.'

'Good luck.' I say.

'Good luck. I love you.'

'Love you too.' I kiss him softly and let go if his strong hand.

Then I disapparate to the Ministry Of Magic.

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