two: can i see you again?

759 41 5

|close as strangers|


The guy started strumming his guitar and beauty herself started swaying from side to side. She was mesmerising. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her; it was as if she had hypnotised me.

The moment I realised that, I knew I was fucked. I knew how I would spend the next four days trying to write a poem equally as beautiful as her, and then fail, and crumple the paper and throw it in the bin. I knew I'd fail at every attempt of describing her because there were no words that could possible describe her. I didn't know it was possible to admire someone's beauty as much as I was doing then. I had never experienced this temporarily falling in love with a stranger before.

When she started singing, it only got worse. I couldn't decide what I liked more; her voice, or beauty.

I can't remember moving during the gig. I must've looked like a lunatic, standing there and just gaping at beauty and listening to her angelic voice. I didn't like her music; I liked her voice. Only then did I understand the difference between those.

"Can we meet her?" Fleur asked, the smile evident in her voice.

I turned to her and shrugged then nodded.

Michelle and Fleur turned into guinea pigs again while I focused on getting myself together. The effect that girl had on me was curious, and I needed to know why. Why did she have that effect on me? Why did I feel like I had to know every little thing about her? Why did I need her company, even though I didn't know her?

"You liked the gig, didn't you?" asked Fleur.

"It exceeded my expectations," I admitted. It exceeded more than just my expectations.

"Told you so."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, I felt attacked by her. She wanted to be proven right, as usual.

"You're going to adore her even more as person, she's the sweetest thing, honestly," said Michelle.

I highly doubt that is possible. "Yeah, probably." This gig had inspired me more than anything in the past few months, and I couldn't wait to get home and get writing. I just knew I would find the right words. I checked my watch. 11.07. I looked around us and noticed we weren't the only ones staying behind to meet beauty. I felt like everyone in the room was staring at me, and it was making me very uncomfortable. What if someone recognised me just like Kyle did? I don't want people to know I was at her gig. Maybe other people will find out about her too.

"What door will she take to get here?" I asked Michelle and Fleur. "Get yourselves to the front so we can get out of here as soon as possible."

"Why? Don't you want to spend time with me?" I heard that angelic voice say.

I turned around, to the direction her voice was coming from. "Y-Y-Y-Yes," I spluttered eloquently.

Beauty smiled at me and I realised that I could die happily that moment. Her mouth moved but I couldn't focus on what she was saying, I was too caught up in my own world as the words raced through my brain when I took in her smiling form. This beauty made perfection look oh-so effortless; I couldn't help but wonder how she did it.

I woke up from my dreamy state when she spoke again. "Is she always like that?" she asked the little girl standing next to me, also known as Fleur.

"Only when she's having one of her moments of 'inspiration'," Fleur replied sarcastically.

"Look, she's woken up, I think? I asked for your name, babe, but you were too busy having inspiration to answer," British Beauty said.

"Camille," I said lucidly. I took a deep breath when I realised I hadn't breathed in her presence yet; she had literally taken my breath away.

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