Chapter 1

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~~in the dream~~

"Release me! Release me! SET ME FREE!!"

I turned around only to be swallowed by darkness.

"Release me from this prison!!"

I heard the voice say. I looked around to try and find the source, instead I found an obsidian mirror. I picked it up and gazed at my reflection only to drop the mirror in fear. My reflection, it was talking, when I wasn't.

Suddenly the mirror began to rattle violently and a blue demonic aurora shot out of the mirror. There she stood, my reflection. She looked almost exactly like me. She opened her eyes to reveal that the irises were a beautiful ocean blue but the center of her eyes were not human. Instead of the center of her blue eyes being the typical look, there was a small ring of red around black.

"Surprised to see your 2p? I'm finally free and the first thing I'm doing is that I'm going to help you." She said.

"H-Help me? With what?! I'm so confused!" I yelled.

My 2p just smirks as she picks up the obsidian mirror, then she starts to walk towards me. I flinched, afraid that she was going to attack me. But the blow I expected never came. Instead she handed me the mirror.

"I'll explain it all to you in time, Rita Naciamento. But right now I must leave. But I am your 2p but I want you to know that you can consider me to be a friend. Keep this mirror with you at all times. I live within you. I'm your darker half." She says.

"Wait!" I yell but she was already gone. Then there was a bright light and someone calling my name.

~~end of dream~~

"Princess Rita wake up. Your father and mother have requested for your presence immediately." Kayekk, my servant, said as she shook me awake. I woke up and looks at her with a smile. She was always so kind to me. "My Princess, your parents have requested for you. Come on and get dressed." She said as she left the room. I got off of my mat to go and brush my hair.

I dressed myself in my traditional Mayan royal robes and left my room to walk towards the throne room where "my parents" were waiting for me.

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