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"Hyung, stop it." Mark plopped down next to Yuta, who shocked half of the bar with his voice.

Mark really took Haechan to House of Beer at eight that evening. As expected, most of his friends were already there, except for Taeyong and Minho.

"At last, we meet again, Haechannie!" Chanyeol beamed up, but he pulled Baekhyun on his laps to prevent him from thinking that Chanyeol didn't want him anymore.

"Hyung!" Haechan stood up from his seat next to Mark and bowed. "I'm very sorry for bothering you all a few days ago. I saw Taeyong-hyung, and he was the nicest man ever, so I went here-"

"Hey, no! It's okay!"

"What are you talking about, we're good."

"You're forgiven because your cute, Channie-ya."

"Thank God Mark picked you up."

Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Heechul, and Johnny all stopped Haechan from bowing to them. Baekhyun even left Chanyeol's laps to pull Haechan up and put an arm around his shoulder.

"Don't ever feel sorry around here. A friend of Mark is a friend of ours. Here, we say what we want, drink what we want, and do what we want... Except for taking each other's boyfriends, that's off limit."

Haechan nervously laughed and sat back next to Mark, Baekhyun retreated to Chanyeol. The older men started to talk about Heechul's friend again, apparently someone Heechul had been crushing on for a long time. Mark was taken aback by this, because what he knew was Heechul wouldn't really commit on a serious relationship.

"Guys, have you ordered something?" Ten nudged Mark's ribs. "Go get some drink for you and Haechan, Mark. I'll keep Haechan accompanied while you're away."

"But, hyung-"

"I'll pay for your drinks." Ten pushed Mark out of his seat.

Mark unwillingly left his seat. He turned to Haechan. "No alcohol for you. You're still underage."

"Oh, please. Living in a dorm means you'll have alcohol hidden somewhere in the building. I can handle some."

Mark raised an eyebrow. Haechan earlier said he was not keen on alcohol, but now he indirectly asked Mark to fetch him one.

"No. Coke it is." Mark insisted.

"Fine, but it's Coke for you too." Haechan retorted. "You promised me not to smoke, not to get drunk."

Mark sighed and decided to give up. "Fine. Hyungdeul, have my cigarettes." Mark fetched out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket and threw it on the table, alongside the match. The men just looked at him with questioning looks as he scurried away to get a drink.

"You made him promise to stop drinking and smoking?" Johnny asked Haechan, still staring at Mark's back.

"It's a slow-paced suicide." Haechan shrugged. "You can drink and smoke, hyung, I don't mind."

"Hell yes, free stuff." Sicheng snatched the cigarettes and the match before anyone could grab it. He quickly put one stick in between his lips and lit it on.

"You really, really pushed Mark out of his comfort zone." Ten clicked his tongue. "How did you two get here? With train?"

"No, with Mark's car-"

"Sweet Lord, he finally uses his Mustang!" Heechul slammed a fist on the table, startling a sleepy Yuta.

"What happened to 'Save the planet, use the train'?" Yuta frowned.

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