The Adventure at the SCARBOROUGH FAIR

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             by Geoffrey Jackson

PROLOGUE: Once upon a time In a far away kingdom there was a baby born that baby was a prince but one not like any other before him the kingdom rejoiced in his birth that on his birthday a wonderful festival was made in his honor oh there was clowns and jugglers and acrobats and exotic animals galore there was even magic but what was most delightful was the scent of the air as spice traders set up shop you can smell the aromas of parsley sage rosemary and thyme which delighted the baby prince most of all though the seasons changed things couldn't remain so happy a strange sickness took over the kingdom and the king fell ill no one could figure out why this was happening but they worried most for if the boy that was so beloved could truly be ready to become a king

CHAPTER 1: the summer air caught on the trade winds through the forests and glades people knew the scent well when the trade winds blow there will be spice to sell though they also wondered should a fair be held this year with so much that has gone on already could they really open the markets and gates the talk even reverberated through the palace as the servants gave each other looks every time the servers and healers walk in and out of the kings chamber not really sure if the king will make it or not as morning approached through the windows when all of a sudden a loud bang is heard across the halls the servants give each other looks "ugh that boy cant seem to not play outdoors" a maid looked up at the butler "I think its a good sign we need happiness back now more than ever" the cook walks over "even so the king is dying holding the festival now is a In bad taste" they just sigh as the prince races down the hall overjoyed "wow its the day of the fair can you believe it the trade winds blowing strong and fair I can feel the breeze through my hair the sweet aromas fill the air" he laughs happily as he goes through the palace until his advisor catches him "and where do you think your going today" the prince just smiles up at him "oh just to watch the town start putting up preparations for the festival" his advisor decides to not be amused "look Alexander you've got no time to be so carefree the people need a well rounded and knowledgeable leader your father is possibly dying so its imperative I get you trained" Alexander looks back disproving "but Gregory today's a special day for me I couldn't possibly give any chances up" he then moves behind a curtain and makes a shadow of a sword "there's adventure" then he drapes it around him like a cloak "and magic and mystery at the fair" he walks over and gives Gregory puppy eyes "please it'd mean a lot to me if I could go" Gregory gives in "OK since its your birthday maybe we'll squeeze in time" alexanders eyes light up "yay" he hugs Gregory tightly which puts a smile on his face before snapping back to reality "OK now come on to the library books wont open themselves you know" which makes Alexander grunt despairingly  but follows along anyway though he looks up at Gregory "so will you teach me some magic?" Which gets answered by "no your not ready" which he sighs as they walk onward

CHAPTER 2: the day continued almost without anything that'd be a hitch though Alexander did manage to daydream about the festival until Gregory woke him up "Alexander are you paying attention!!" dazed he looks up "huh?" Gregory glares at him "I said that on this side of the map is the neighboring kingdom of Noctournia" he then says "need I remind you there sending a ambassador this week to partake in studying the kingdom were hoping for a merger if anything worst should happen" Alexander shrugs "but our fair land of  Scarborough should be fine" Gregory just sighs "however there's a illness effecting it if we stay as we are the land could wither away" Alexander looks up at him "but you have magic cant you do anything?" Gregory looks up at him "my magic isn't strong enough I don't even know what ails your father" he gives a defeated look "I was hired by him for one purpose only and that is to advise you and see you ready to take the throne" Alexander slumps into his chair "does that mean what I think your going to say?" Gregory sighs "I know its not  what you want to hear but you should go talk with your father on this at least hear him out" Alexander sighs and heads off to his fathers chamber

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