Friendzoned. [4]

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WARNING: This is fan service. Sort of. This is also YAOI. Boy x Boy. Fangirls, enjoy!


Mikuo's POV.

Dear Journal,

        That's right! I said JOURNAL. NOT DIARY. Anyways, back to the actual point. Today was a good day. Len noticed me. Finally. We went walking by the beautiful Cherry Blossoms today...alone. I also decided that I would tell him today. I had to. And so I did. And here's how it went.

We were walking by the cherry blossoms, talking about life.

"You know, it's actually really tiring. More than I expected it to be." He sighed.

"Taking care of Rin?" I grinned, reminded of when I had to take care of Miku. When she was sick to the bones.

"Yeah...then there's my girlfriend to handle..."

I laughed. "Now you know how I felt!"

He glared playfully. "At least nobody's fighting over you!"

"Do you have any idea how many guys would die just to be in your situation? Gakupo and Kaito and everyone are jelly!"

He looked at me. "What about you? Are you jealous of me?"

I looked up, down, left, right. I couldn't escape the question. "I guess..."  I let out a nervous laugh. "I'm more jealous of Miku, honestly," I thought to myself.

Twins or Lovers? (Rin x Len x Miku)Where stories live. Discover now