03. Pink Gin & Lemonade

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08/04/18 - 1 year, 1 week, 1 day a/b (after breakup)

I knocked. The sound of my fist against the door echoed in the hall as I anxiously waited for an answer. I'd brought a bottle of pink gin with some lemonade because it was always me and Alex's favourite drink, although he'd never admit it, being the self-proclaimed manly man he had apparently always been. Although now he goes by self-proclaimed internet sensation.

I slowly tapped my foot against the grainy wood floor as I heard someone approach the door on the other side and muffled voices.

"Cas!" Alex grinned, stepping aside to let me in. I saw George on the sofa, who waved at me with a smile on his face. My anxieties melted away and it felt like old times.

"I've brought our favourite," I beamed, and Alex looked at the bottles in my arms.

"You know me better than George does, honestly," he whispered, a cheeky smirk on his face. I chuckled in response and put the bottles on the side.

"Chatting shit about me, Alex?" George yelled from the sofa, concentrating on what I assumed to be a game of Fifa. After a quick glance, I confirmed that it was, in fact, Fifa.

"Fuck off, George," Alex hit him over the head.

"He's just angry because not only did we find out earlier than I'm taller, but I just beat him at Fifa," George explained, smirking, to which Alex glared at him.

"Fuck off, you were wearing shoes."

Alex and I were currently on 2-2 and over halfway through the match. He was bright red, eyes narrowed with concentration, and silent. Well, silent aside from the loud sounds he'd made when I scored. George, sat on the other side of me, was cheering me on.

The time began to tick down, until we were on 80 minutes. His face went redder as he smashed the buttons on his controller.

I scored.
The game ended.

"FUCK!" screamed Alex, seemingly still a bit of a sore loser. George and I erupted into laughs, and I drank a bit of my pink gin and lemonade. I high fived George before turning to Alex.

"Have you burst a blood vessel or anything, Alex?" I giggled, and he playfully shoved me.

"Yeah, yeah. You only won because I'm a little drunk and tired,"

"Sure, Alex,"

"You'll have to play against me when I'm sober and awake. You'll lose, I bet you,"

"Whatever you say, Big Al," I playfully elbowed him.

"Jokes aside though, Cas, I've really missed you. So has George," Alex smiled sadly, and George nodded from the other side of me. "We were massive assholes to you because of what happened with Will and you,"

"We realised that it isn't and wasn't our place to judge you on your relationship with Will," George added.

"You were one of our best friends before the break up, why the hell should that change? It shouldn't have, and we really are sorry," Alex finished.

I felt tears in my eyes, and wiped them away. In the past year, nobody had been so nice to me.

"Thank you two. So much. I really do fucking love you both," I hugged them both tightly, and they rubbed my back.

As we were in a hug, I heard the door open with a bang, and heavy footsteps. I saw George's head move quickly to see the door, and he went as white as a sheet. I felt the anxiety return and almost didn't want to look that way. But I didn't need to for the biggest fear that I didn't even know I had to be confirmed.

Hidden between Alex and George, I saw the square headed man I had loved, lost, loved, and lost again.

"You areet lads?"

surprise! here's a chapter. hope you enjoyed; if u did please vote and comment! thank u x

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