Chapter 27: Career Day

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shit is about to go down 

The sun was dying, sliding down the horizon like oil paint. The Black Lake was scarlet as if filled to the brim with hot blood. Thick heavy cloud of enemy spells hung above the Forbidden Forest.

It has begun.

"Everything will be fine, Black," Beata silently approached Sirius, hugging him with warm hands from behind. Her nose buried in his shoulder blades and she sighed softly.

Sprinkles stayed strong through all past nightmares. She didn't allow herself a single flash of tears, she didn't scream, she methodically waved her wand and Death Eaters were falling, choking with blood.

Half of survived Slytherin fifth-years, who had nothing to do with their older fellows with marks on forearms, were under her protection. Beata fought like a lioness defending its children. Only at the end of the day, when they all returned to the castle, she was struck down with fever, recovering only in the morning.

Madam Pomfrey desperately tried to help all students at once. Aghast, frightened, she rushed around the ward, bandaging arms and legs, sewing fingers. Peter Pettigrew, unusually tense, silently bandaged the wounded.

Lily Evans, haggard, with shaking hands, helped Slughorn cook potions, shuddering whenever a groan sounded from the ward. James Potter desperately wanted to stay with her but Dumbledore urgently called entire Order of the Phoenix and needed every wizard over seventeen who could hold a wand.

Emily Parker sat in the far corner of the Hospital Wing and stared at bandaged lanky figure on the bed. Her eyes were empty, her hand like steel fetters wrapped around Remus's wrist, and no one ─ neither Professor McGonagall, nor Sirius Black, nor Madam Pomfrey ─ could tear her away from him. Eventually, they left her alone and since then she didn't make a move.

"Miss Evans!" Professor Slughorn cried, when Lily confused the ingredients and almost squeezed wormwood juice into Bubotuber flesh.

Lily recoiled from the cauldron, realizing that she almost blew up half the room with the wounded and slowly sank to the floor, bursting into tears. Slughorn looked sympathetically at the girl but there was nothing he could do ─ they were catastrophically short on time and had many patients.

"Severus," Lily breathed softly, her nose buried in her knees. She was trembling heavily, trying to suppress sobs.

Severus Snape. Silent sullen boy. Her childhood friend. The one who has always been there. The one who promised to always be around. He was with them. Changed his color and side. A true Slytherin.

Lily didn't expect that it would hit her more than the fact that the war, which everyone was talking about for last few months, has begun.

He should've been here now, brew these damn potions which he knew better than all of them combined, including Slughorn.

Lily shook her head sharply, rose from the cold floor and took a deep breath. They need her help, it's not the time to think about those who voluntarily rejected her.


The Great Hall, dinner, two days before

"Tell me, Padfoot," James began insinuatingly. "How did your favorite belt end up in Sprinkles' hands? You like it rough?"

"Prongs!" Black howled, unable to stand endless teasing of his friend after half an hour. "Can you do the impossible and shut up?"

"But it's really interesting, Sirius," Lily smiled brightly. "How did it happen?"

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