Chapter 4 the big day and 10 months later

Bắt đầu từ đầu

wolfy: Me got it

I open the door to see connor, lucy and a police officer

officer: Hello, do u live here?

Wolfy: Yes

officer: Do u kno Connor and lucy Hughes

wolfy: Yeah

officer: Do u kno kate and rob Hughes?

wolfy: Yes

officer: May I ask for ur name plz?

wolfy: Courtnay Dahlberg

officer: Courtnay, I'm sorry to tell u this but kate and rob have died in a car crash, but lucy and connor survived

I start to cry, I hug connor and lucy

mitch: wol- what happened?

officer: Do u kno kate and rob Hughes

mitch: yes, I'm Mitchell Hughes there son

officer: I'm very sorry to tell u but they died in a car crash but ur younger siblings survived

he starts to cry I hug him then lucy and connor hug him, the officer leaves us, we take connor and lucy i

lucy: Why did god take mom and dad?

mitch: I dont kno lucy, I don't know

-time skip 10 months later-

we took in connor and lucy in as our own children, now I have a 14 year old son, a 10 year old daughter and Imma 19 year old gurl. Mitch purposed to me. adam and dede are pregnant with triplets and married. skyler got married to mathias, shelly and captian are now pregnant but not married. Ashley and jerome are getting married in 2 months. red and tiffany are adoupting 2 gurls and 2 boys. jason is engaged to my sister Dj. taylor and bina got married and now going to adoupt 1 gurl and 1 boy. connor is over protective of lucy


I run to lucys room, and see connor keeping lucy from leaving the room

wolfy: What is going on?

connor: She got a boyfriend this summer

I hear mitch run down the stairs to the second floor

mitch: Who got a boyfriend this summer?

connor: Lucy

mitch: Really lucy?

lucy: Yes

wolfy: Don't worry mitch my dad was mad when I got my first boyfriend and look at him and me now, I don't talk to him. oh and mitch later I need to talk to u

mitch: Ok, I need to know his name

lucy: Well um blacke green

mitch: I now a green um blare green she is an ex

wolfy: Ok then


wolfy: Yay

we run down stairs to see a 10 year old gurl and a 13 year old boy. the the gurl is wearing a creeper sweater and a little black dress with little enderman eyes. the little boy was wearing a team crafted shirt and blue jeans

bina: Hey guys meat june and james

wolfy: Hey u guys know Minecraft

james: Ya I watch team crafted for 2 years now

canadianwolf vs TrueWolfyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ