Thirteen Things to do While Looking at the Moon

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When you look at the moon, imagine yourself upon it. Floating in a suit of silver and white, waving back at NASA. Imagine as you take your first steps your excited breaths fog the inside of your helmet.

As you are gazing, maybe bring a sketchbook and draw many mini moons on your paper. Shade them to look like a face, or maybe shade them to create craters and pock marks. The moon isn't perfect by any means, maybe you shouldn't draw it as such.

Begin to watch the moon when it just begins to rise above the horizon. And watch its whole ascent into the darkening night sky. What color is it? Orange like a heavy, Halloween moon? Or ivory, like a secret waiting on the tip of someone's tongue?

While you look at the moon, invite your closest friends. They will appreciate gazing at the monumental rock that hovers just outside your reach. They might even thank you. Their lives might be busy and hectic and when they slow to watch the moon, they realize how lovely it is.

The moon is for lovers so while looking at the moon, do so with your lover. Let them caress your moon blushed skin and as they do so, you'll rise so high you become level with the moon; a true equal in every way.

While gazing at the moon, notice the stars around him. He's not up in that dark sky alone. No, he is surrounded by stars upon stars. They twinkle and create nursery rhymes. They keep the glowing orb in the sky company as he keeps you company on Earth.

As you gaze, spin stories of the moon. Tell the tales of his love affair with the sun. How he falls every day just so she could rise and give life to the mortals below. It is with stories that our Greek ancestors explained the way of the world and how the moon influences everything.

The moon influences many things in life, so as you watch make a list of all the things that have influenced your life. The list doesn't have to be about only the good, no, let it include the bad and ugly. What's given you scars and what has flown you over mountain tops.

While looking at the moon, prepare a picnic beneath the stars. But it cannot be normal, average picnic foods; you don't eat potato salad at midnight. Instead, bring a buffet of breakfast foods. Pancakes and bacon and eggs and maple syrup. That is what you eat under the moon.

When the moon is high in the sky and filling the world with white-washed light, make sure to climb a mountain with your soulmate. When you reach the peak and feel as close to the moon as you'll ever be, turn to your love and kiss them breathless.

Wake up very early in the morning and watch the moon fade from existence. You always see it rise but do you ever see it fall? The moon comes in stages, watch it leave just the same. It's a beautiful sight to see the night fade and the morning dawn.

While watching the moon, take a walk. Discover how the world looks at night. It's hushed, isn't it? It'll feel as though you are the only person in the world. You won't know how to feel about that but you decide that you like it, so you keep walking, your path lit with moonlight.

As you look at the moon, make promises. The moon has promised us that he will rise every night. So, make some vows. They don't have to be heavy or binding, but just poignant enough that you'll remember them when you wake up and roll over to face the light of day.

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