For a few moments, Jaxon is silent and I feel my fury building within me. "I want my son, Jaxon. I don't see the complication-"

"That may be a little difficult," He says, clearing his throat. "There isn't much left of him."

"What do you mean?" I ask through gritted teeth, leaning closer to the phone.

"He's a pile of ash in my shed, Myers."

"What?!" I roar as a smash my hands onto my desk. I vaguely hear Roxanne's gasp and Jack's curse. "You couldn't even do the honourable thing and send his body back to me?"

"He killed an innocent woman. He-"

"None of us are innocent in this world, Jaxon. Man or woman, it doesn't matter." I sigh before again leaning back in my chair and folding my arms over my chest. "I'll tell you what, Jaxon. This shit's been going on long enough."

"I agree."

"Don't interrupt, son. It's rude." I sneer. "As I was saying, this has been going on for too long and it needs to end. So this is what's gonna happen. My men and I are gonna drive up to that pathetic bar of yours. We are gonna tear the place apart, killing anyone that gets in our way. Men or women, I don't fucking care.

"Then, when you are the last one standing and you go onto your knees, begging me to spare your life, I'm gonna raise my gun and shoot you in the head just like I did your father."

"No!" Roxanne blurts out, standing from her chair. "Dad, you can't! Please, dad, please don't do this!"

"Shut her up, Hunter," I order. He grabs her and roughly pushes her back into her chair. She glares at him, but sits still, rubbing her arm where his hand once was.

"You talk like you already won," Jaxon says and I smile.

"That's the thing, Cruz. I already have won." I tell him before hitting the end call button.

"Dad, please-"

"Hunter, I want you to lock her in the basement. Have Tate guard the door. If he does well, I'll move him up."


"Make sure you leave her some food and water. I don't know how long we are gonna be and I don't want Tate letting her out of there for any reason. She would take him in a heartbeat." I finish, ignoring Roxanne's grumbling.

"Yes, boss," Hunter says as he grabs her arm again and pulls her out of the chair. I watch as she fights against him - kicking and screaming - as he walks her out of my office.

"Jack, I want you to get the men ready. I want to leave in an hour. Make sure everyone is stocked and ready to go. I want everyone on this. No one is hanging back except for Tate, you go that?"

"Yeah, Will. You sure you about this though? Roxanne seems to really-"

"She will get over it," I say, waving him away. "Get to work."

"Yes, boss."

"Boss?" Hunter calls out as he looks around the garage

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Boss?" Hunter calls out as he looks around the garage. When his eyes fall on me, he jogs over to me. He's breathless, sweaty and a little bloody.

Maybe my daughter could take him.

"What is it, Hunt?" I ask as I push bullets into the clip. My eyes flicker up to him and I have to hold in my laughter. He's all cut up with his shirt torn to shit.

It's safe to assume that Roxanne's been giving him a hard time.

"You need to talk to her. She's going to hurt herself down there. She's fucking losing it." He says, pushing his hand down his face roughly. "I am not equipped to handle that."

I groan. "I don't have time for her right now."

"With all due respect, I think you should make time," Hunter tells me and I growl in response. "I mean it, Will. She's tripping out down there. She's losing it."

I drop the clip onto the workbench and push past him, hitting him with my shoulder as I do so. I don't know what he expects me to do. She's going to be upset. She's going to yell and scream and throw things. Wouldn't you?

When her mother left, I lost it too. She was the love of my life. I may not have shown it enough and I may not have fought for her when I should have, but I loved her. She was my woman and I would have done anything for her had she allowed me to.

"Boss?" Tate says as he stands up from his chair, nervously fidgetting with his cut. "Did you need something?"

"Just checking up on her."

"She just went quiet." He says. "She's been screaming since you sent her down here, though."

I sigh. "That's what I hear. Open the door, I'll check on her."

"You sure?" He questions nervously. "When Hunter went in there...well...he didn't come out so well."

I chuckle. "She wouldn't lay a finger on me."

"Okay," He says unsure before turning towards the door and opening it for me. "Just yell when you want me to open the door again."

I nod my head and then enter the room. Tate quickly closes the door behind me and I look around until I find Roxanne.

She's sitting on the floor, her head in her hands and her fingers entangled in her long, raven hair. She looks identical to her mother at this moment and it makes my heart stop for a second.

"Roxanne?" I say and she slowly looks up at me, tears staining her cheeks.

"Why are you here?" She says in distaste. "Shouldn't you be off killing the man I love?"

"Roxy, I-"

"No, Dad," She says as she scoots away from me. "I want nothing to do with you. I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"I do," She states and I can see the truth in her eyes. "I get that I fucked up by falling in love with the 'enemy', but you fucked up by not ending this so that your daughter could be happy. You ruined this-" She gestures between us. "-relationship we had. You did."

I shake my head. "You know things are more complicated than that."

"No, it's not. You killed his father. You keep on attacking his club. It's you. You. You. You. You!" She says angrily. "It's all you! It's all your fault!"


"You are so caught up in your own selfish agenda that you can't see how much you are hurting your own daughter! Me!" She screams, new tears falling from her eyes. "I will never forgive you. Never.

"And I don't get why you are doing this at all." She says gesturing wildly. "I'm all you have left now. Trevor is dead and ain't coming back. I'm your last remaining kin. Yet, you are pushing me away. You said all those nasty things to me and now you are killing the man I love. I don't get it."

"Jesus, Roxanne. You can't be with him. Even if I let him live, you and he could never be together. Yous would never be accepted. My men would never accept him. His men would never accept you," I say and she shakes her head violently in disagreement. "I would never accept him, Rox. I would never approve of him for my baby girl. He isn't good enough. You could do better."

"He is my better," She says as a sob breaks through her lips. "There is no one better than him. I love him! He's it for me, dad."


"Just go, dad," She says, turning away from me. "Go before I do something that we both won't come away from unscathed."

So, I turn around and yell for Tate to open the door. I leave without looking back at her and pat Tate on the back. I walk up the basement stairs and head into my garage where a dozen of my men stand, waiting for instruction. Nodding my head, I give them the orders they are waiting for and we are off.

It's time to put an end to Jaxon Cruz and his band of merry men - the Sons of Silence - once and for all.

Roxanne & Jaxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें