A little whimper bubbled out of Draco. He jumped off the bed and ran over to Harry, hugging his waist. Harry put the food and drinks he acquired down on the dresser that was next to the door and embraced his little love. "Shh, it's okay baby I'm here. I'm right here. I'm not going away."

"Y-you left m-me," Draco cried out.

"I know I did baby, but I was just showering and look I gotchya some food. I know you must be hungry aren't ya love?"

Draco gave a little nod, still making no indication that he was going to move his face from Harry's chest nor his arms from around Harry's waist. Harry sighed in sorrow. His baby wasn't any better than he was yesterday. He laid his chin atop Draco's head and started to rub soothing circles on Draco's back.

Harry moved back a little bit, enough to see Draco's face. Draco's eyes were glistening and his chin was wobbling. He was on the verge of more tears and Harry wasn't going to let them fall. "Hey baby, lets eat something yeah? M'hungry and you didn't eat anything yesterday. You gotta eat, gotta be big and strong just like your Harry," Harry was trying to get Draco's mind off of what happened yesterday in the great hall. Trying to keep him from bursting into more tears.

"M-my Harry? Y-you're mine?" Draco asked, confused on how exactly Harry meant that. Harry's eyes widened. He hadn't meant to let that slip, but it was too late to take it back now. Not that he wanted to anyway.

"Yes baby, your Harry. I'm yours and you're mine. Just how it should and always will be," Harry replied with a firm tone that left no room for argument. Draco didn't want to argue with that. He was skeptical about the whole thing. Shouldn't he hate me? I'm impure now. I have no value anymore. Not that there was much to value in the first place.

Draco had muttered that under his breath without realizing, something he's been doing a lot lately. Harry heard and Harry was fuming. "No," his voice came out sharp and piercing, making Draco flinch. Harry was hurt by Draco's reaction, but he needed Draco to know that what he was about to say next was what he meant and he didn't want Draco to doubt anything he said.
"No, I don't hate you Draco. I could never hate you. You are my little baby, my little sunshine, and I'll be damned if Crabbe and Goyle are going to take you away from me. I care about you Draco, more than words can ever describe. I love your hair, your silver-grey eyes, your cute little nose. I love your laugh, your smile. I love how your eyebrows furrow and you get a little wrinkle right here when you concentrate," Harry smoothed in between Draco's brows with his thumb, "I love everything about you Draco Malfoy, I love y-," Harry cut himself off at the last part.

I love you, he said in his mind. His Draco wasn't ready for him to actually say the words yet. He needed time. Lots of time to get used to the fact that his life was no longer going to be Harry free. He needed time to recuperate from the attack and he needed time to come to terms with his own feelings. So Harry didn't say the words, but he sure as hell thought them.

At the end of the speech Draco looked up at Harry in amazement. He really does like me. He really is going to stay with me always and forever just like he said he would yesterday. I really like Harry. No, I don't like him, I love him. Oh gosh, I love Harry Potter. Draco's face had a blush from Harry's speech, but it got even worse at his thoughts. He bashfully hid his head by smooshing it into Harry's chest, not wanting Harry to see his blazing cheeks.

Harry let out a little chuckle and just played with Draco's hair, letting him figure out his thoughts. "I-I believe you," the whisper was so soft and muffled that Harry couldn't hear what was said.
"What was that baby, I couldn't hear ya."
"I-I believe you," this time it was said a little louder and Draco had picked his head up, looking Harry straight in the eyes. "I t-trust you Harry."

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