Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn

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Aurelia can't help but wonder if one of the reasons why Jon is taking the black is to get away from Winterfell. It's his home yes, but Jon always felt like an outcast with the Stark children present. With Catelyn treating him so coldly, Aurelia can't blame Jon for wanting to go away. She only hopes that Jon will accept him for he truly is. He's so much more than a bastard, yet the only person who can't see that is Jon himself.

"You'll be leaving Winterfell...I guess we're all leaving aren't we?" Aurelia inquired, and Jon took notice of the tone she's using.

"Aurel..." Jon said her name so softly. She'd always hated the idea of the pack being separated to the ends of Westeros. Even though Jon will still be in the North, the Wall is far up North as North goes; or at least that's what Aurelia thinks.

"What?" Aurelia exclaimed as she finally turned her head to face Jon for the first time since he arrived in the Godswood.

"We're all going our separate ways, there's no denying that! Father, Sansa, and Arya will go to the South. I'll go there as well with a husband, and who knows when I have to move to Casterly Rock. Then you're going to the Wall, leaving Robb all alone as Lord of Winterfell. God knows how long we're going to be separated, or when we're going to see each other again! And-and..."

Aurelia snapped as her tone rose higher and higher. The tears were streaming out of her eyes, and she didn't even know she had tears left. She's cried so many times for the past few days that she thought crying again would be impossible. But hear she stands in sight of the Gods, spilling out her emotions in front of them.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Jon wrapped her arms around Aurelia's small figure, as he pulled her into an embrace. Aurelia buried her head on his neck, whilst Jon placed his hand against her neck. He could hear her muffled sobs with her tears staining his leather garb. However, he could not care less.

Jon tried to quiet her down by comforting her. He knows his little sister can always be calmed down by a hug from the right person. When she was a little toddler, Aurelia would happily greet her mother and father with hugs, and when she learned to walk, she would run up to them and hug their legs before either Ned or Catelyn bend down to scoop their daughter into their arms. She never stopped that habit of hers.

"It's okay, little peanut. It's okay." Jon repeated those words because he wanted Aurelia to know that. "Sshh. It'll be alright." He continued to soothe her. He moved his hand up and down her hair in a gentle manner.

"This won't be the end, Aurel. We'll still see one another even if we journey our separate ways. I'll ride down to the South all the way from the Wall if it means seeing you." Jon added, and what he said was true. Aurelia can always journey North when she has the time.

Aurelia nodded her head. She understood where Jon was coming from.

"Thank you." She said, giving Jon the best smile she could muster at this time. "You know, they gave me a choice." Jon looked at her with curiosity, as if telling her to go on and she did. "On when I'll be married." Aurelia clarified,

"When will you be married?" Jon asked slowly, since he wanted to know as well. All this time he thought that Aurelia would marry in the Godswood in front of a Weirwood Tree. But since she'll be marrying a Southerner, Jon's unsure if she'll marry according to the tradition of the Old or the New Gods. If Aurelia is to marry under the New Gods, where in Seven Hells are they to find a Great Sept in the North? Unless she won't be marrying in the North... Jon thought to himself.

"I could marry here in Winterfell in the Godswood." Aurelia told him her first choice, and Jon let out a smile.

"That's great." Jon exclaimed as he let out a smile. Then he realized that Aurelia wasn't sharing the same expression as him. "Is it not?" Jon asked rather confusingly. He's never had this kind of conversation with anyone before.

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