"We could eat dinner together somewhere today and you then could tell me." He offered and I nodded immediately, excited with the thought. "Yes! I must tell you alot of things!" I exclaimed and then remembered that I'm at the library. "Opps, sorry." I giggled and Liam joined me.


The last three classes went slower than ever and that's because I can't wait to have dinner with Liam and tell him everything. I honestly, needs his advise because I don't know what should I do. Even after thinking about it over and over. It's so hard because I'm missing alot and Niall doesn't want to tell me at the same time, he wants me to help him.

The question here is, why doesn't he want to tell me? Is it that bad? And the other question is, Why me? Okay, I care about Katie but why me, to convince Harry? Couldn't he ask Louis to do this instead of me? And what makes him so sure that Harry would be convinced?

I can't understand Niall .. and Harry and .. Katie and, everyone! I can't understand anyone in this damn school. Everyone I met in here is so weird.

School of weirdo's

I chuckled to myself and made my way to the locker. I put the things that I don't need and fill my bag with the notebooks that we supposed to have homework in. I felt my phone vibrates and knew that this must be Liam. He told me that he'll drive me to wherever we'll have dinner.

I closed my locker and got out my phone, but for my surprise the one who sent the text wasn't Liam, it was .. Chad. I opened the massage and it reads, 'Can you have dinner with me tonight?'

I, again, felt uncomfortable and I didn't want go out with him even if I wasn't having dinner with Liam already. He is one of the weirdos in here .. I always got the feeling that he is stalking me ..

I typed, 'Sorry, I can't. I'm already having dinner with Liam.' and sent it. I also, feel guilty for him because I rejected his offer. But what should I do ..?

Instead of waiting for his reply, I dialed Liam's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Tori," He greeted me once he answered. "Hi Liam, where are you?" I asked him, leaning to my locker.

"I was at the science lap, I'm coming to you right now." He replied, pausing. "Where are you?" He asked.

"In front of my locker." I answered, eyeing Luke who was standing in front of me with some other boys. I hope that he won't see me, because he is Chad's friend and I feel little awkward cause Haley told me that he told Luke that he have .. a crush on me. And this is another reason that I avoid him.

"Okay, I'm coming." By this we hang up and I waited for him. Keeping my eyes on Luke who was still talking to his friends.

I received another text from Chad and I opened it, 'It's okay.'

I hope that's really okay, I still feel guilty because he didn't do anything wrong but I still feel uncomfortable in some way ..

Oh no no!

Luke saw me and he is coming towards me now! "Hey Tori." He flashed me a smile and I returned it.

"Hi Luke, how ya doin'." I tried to sound normal and it works.

"Great." He replied, "Are you coming?" He then added asking, Does he know about Chad's offer ..?

"Coming where?" I asked with a deep frown and he copied my frown, "He didn't tell you?" He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, acting as if I don't get what he's talking about. "Haley and I, along with Chad were going out and he told me that he'll ask you to come along." He continued, explaining. Now everything is more clear.

Different. // HarryStylesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz