Chapter 8

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Yukio's POV

 [A week has passed. I now had a tail grown too. I missed Rin. How do you handle those changes yourself? I didn't know.

 I was a little desperate at this point. Satan really did not care for Astaroth, if how he behaved was any indicator. I couldn't particularly beat Satan in his game, so maybe, if I'll try a different approach...] 

'Koota!' [I called my servant in a yell. While I could hear steps towards the room, I started writing a letter to Rin, about the changes, and how I would like to see him now.

Koota entered the room in a haste, just as I finished with the last words.] 

"Koota, address this to prince Rin, if you may." 

'Yes, my lord.' [ Hopefully, I'll manage to lure him to here with his letter. After all, there's nothing that works better with Rin than his emotions.]

Rin's POV

 'A letter, my lord, addressed for the future heir.'

 [One of father's main servants entered the room. He always seemed to be shaking. I wondered who could it be from, but after a few seconds I just knew it. Who could it be from but Yukio? Father took the letter from his hands, muttering a thanks.

He threw it to me the second the servant left. I felt free to read it since I knew dad wasn't the kind of person to demand knowing what's written in there like an asshole.] 

"...he really has changed into his demon form, that guy... So, would it be okay for me to go see him?" 

[Dad frowned, messing with his hair with both his hands aimlessly. He seemed to consider it. After five minutes or so he broke the silence in the room, straightening his seat in position and looking at me.] 

'If you want to, you can go ahead for all I care.' 


'Yeah, just run it down to his castle with no defenses with that hollow mind of yours. Listen close, Rin. He had been aggressive and outgoing up to this point, you think he just calmed down? It's a trap to lure you out.' 

" I shouldn't, huh." 

'No, go. If you sense anything weird more than a brotherly concern, scream.' 

"Nice. And you'll hear me. All the way from the Area of Rot." 

[He facepalmed, shaking is head slowly as if absolutely done with me.] 

'I can hear you in my head, Rin. Two days are more than enough time to strengthen our blood bond for us to connect mentally. I'll be there if you get in trouble, just take your damn sword.' 

[And so I exited the castle. Yes, my sword was in its sash, but that was the least manner of defense. I was in the demon world after all. There was no way Yukio was going to hurt me or keep secrets from me, we were brothers. He cared for me as much as I cared for him. I was going to find a proper solution to this situation.]  

Yukio's POV

 [The castle was cleaned and prepared for the arrival of Rin. I made sure it looks nothing but inviting, since I didn't want Rin thinking I'm here to trap him, even if I would want him to stay very much. I don't care if I have to live in Gehenna, if I have my family by my side.

I figured It'll be even easier, to be with him here, since to a point, how I feel for him is not brotherly. Here we could live peacefully, with sins praised. But I don't know if I could live with Satan. Not after Shiro, not after mother. Not with knowing how he'll throw me away since I'm of no use to him.

Two days passed, and I was informed Rin arrived at my doorstep. I ran to the door opening it hastily, demonic ears perked up, tail high in the air and big smile on my face as I saw him. I hugged him. ] 

"I missed you, nii-san..." 

[I hugged him tightly, a smiled spreading on my face. Waking up in the morning without hearing his voice whispering 'good morning', sitting next to him while eating breakfast and joking about stuff, attending classes... I just felt so weird without all those. I inhaled his scent deeply, the same manly smell I was used to notice on all his clothes.]  

Rin's POV

"Me too, Yukio...!" 

[I took a step back to watch him. He looked so different now.

The same, but more animalistic and demonic. I'd say mature but that could be only Gehena's effects on his looks too.] 

"Man, you've been here only for a day and a half and already took over a damn castle by yourself! I was told Astaroth died. Probably by illness, wasn't it? Well, I guess that's better this way, fathe- Satan didn't grieve him. Astaroth was a son of a bitch."   

Yukio's POV

 "Hmm? Rin, Astaroth died because I killed him. I sent a pretty detailed message about it. That being said, he was being a son of bitch, which is definitely one of the bigger reasons I killed him." 

[Had Satan told him otherwise? Why would he? There's no reason for him to lie. I told what happened loud and clear.] 

"By the way, all the exorcists evacuated, save for me. Amaimon had been nice enough to let them leave. Though Mephisto probably bribed him for that." [ I explained more to him. Maybe he'll miss home if I mention it.] 

"Anyway, lets talk inside! I have so much to ask. I've barely been keeping up with this tail now. I really don't know how you do it..."   

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