The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

Start from the beginning

"Would I be lying?" Now that she had speak of it with her husband, there was a growing feeling of pride that had settled within her, as she had found the courage to speak up against the men that had attempted to use her and her position as Queen. When he had chuckled and asked of how the men inside the Council room had looked, she had only shrugged, although of course he could not see it. "I may have rendered them speechless."

The shake of his head and the amused laugh that followed made her own smile grew as she felt one of his hands grasp hers, holding it close to his heart. "I would give anything to be there and see that."

She had almost let out a sigh of relief once they had finally stopped, just at the edge of a grove of willow trees entering the proximity of the mountain, and she knew even without feeling it that it was far colder than back in Arendelle. "Why do we have to be this far from the kingdom?" She had questioned as her husband helped her off the horse, his hands grasping her waist securely and contrary to the first time that they had rode together; they had remained there even after her feet had touched the ground.

"The closest we are to the Mountain the less suspicious it is to have snow present before the actual winter." He informed as he pressed his lips against her cheekbone before he his hands slipped away from her and turned his attention to Sitron, taking his reins as he led the horse to a nearby tree, in a distance appropriate to keep an eye but enough to not have the animal be spooked by what she assumed would be done by her soon enough.

"Aren't you cold though?" His cheeks and the tip of his nose and reddened by the amount of blood pumping onto his face by his body to keep him warm, puff of white cloud coming from between his lips every time he spoke, and if only her own hands hasn't been producing their own chill then she would have pressed them against his face.

He chuckled once he had made his way back to her, standing before her a head taller than she as he cupped her face in his hands instead. "Don't worry about me," his smile had made warmth to spread on her own cheeks due to how sincere it was that her own heart had picked up the pace of it's beating against her chest. "This is all about you. Don't be afraid."

"But what if I accidentally hurt you?"

"You won't. I believe in you." The satin brushed against her skin as his hands left her face, a touch of encouragement perhaps, yet it almost felt as if her heart had come into a sudden stop at his words of that he, like her mother, had his belief on her, of that she was capable of it, and she suddenly wanted to cry.

Because now, with him by her side, she realized that she no longer had to be alone.

Making her way to stand in the middle of the grove, minding that Hans was there with her at the sidelines, in no plan to leave and flee in fear, she wanted him to watch. Taking a deep breath helped her to steady her hands as she carefully pull the gloves she had worn for the day, reminding herself that this was similar to her own practice back in the castle, in the privacy behind her closed doors while no one was around, tugging them off until the air brushed against her skin, not warm like it usually would feel against the cold temperature of her skin, it matched the coldness within her, and for once she felt as if she belonged.

With the first burst of ice that came from her open palm, she felt the magic surged within her, eager and ready to come out after she had conceal them for so long, and this time, just like how Hans had told her to, she had let go.

It was not in her intention to sing, but the sensation that coursed through her, the adrenaline that ran through her veins, the burden that had suddenly been lifted off her shoulders and left her feeling so light, all of those had prompted her to fall into a tune that described of what she had kept to herself, words that she could not express under normal circumstances, all the while her body moved along with the swirl of ice she created.

Her voice had only rose as her confidence grew with the melody that came from her lips, for it was time for her to see what she could actually do, what she was capable of, to test her limits and to break through, and even without the presence of music, the sounds created as her magic came in contact with her surrounding was enough to keep her going.

Ice crystals gleamed brilliantly under the sun, reflecting a pleasant icy blue tone against the soft white snow underneath her feet, water droplets froze and chiming sounds echoed every time they made contact with each other, the water of the lake nearby had been covered in a smooth layer of ice, thick enough for someone to step on, unbreakable.

Her powers had flurried from the air and into the ground, her soul felt as if it was spiraling along with the frozen fractals all around her, one single thought coming from her could crystallize like an icy blast, and she was not going back into the self-isolation that she had put herself into. She would not.

When she had finally finished with herself, satisfied with the beauty that she did not even know she was capable of if it had not been encouraged for her to let it out, her eyes fluttered close as light snow fell against her skin, maintaining their shapes even when they came in contact with her, because her body did not produce the heat capable of melting them.

"It's beautiful," the awed voice that had come from behind her served as a reminder that she was not alone, and when she had turned to see the man that might as well have been responsible for everything that she was currently feeling, her smile had grew so wide her face would have hurt. He was standing there, so handsome, with snowflakes in his auburn hair and gleaming eyes astonished by his surrounding as he made his way toward her, his hands finding their way on her waist so easily, lifting her up in the air as if she weighted nothing to him while she laughed and asked, rather out of amusement, of what he was referring to. "Your creation, your voice; you are beautiful."

It was only after he had set her down, after a twirl or two in the air; that she realized the bun her hair had been pulled into had turned into a loose. His fingers were delicate as they worked behind her head, near the nape of her neck, tugging her hair free and settling the single thick platinum blonde hair on her left shoulder before moving on to brush her bangs back and away from her eyes. "It's all because of you, Hans."

The scoff that had come from him was unexpected, she had thought he would smile or chuckle, but instead he had let his hand rested against her cheek after tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Me? The credits are all yours to take, wife; it's all because you let no one, not even yourself, to hold you back."

Hans was as humble as he was dashing, to not acknowledge that it was he would have make her push herself into doing this, into letting her powers go beyond her instead of pushing it back and burying it deep within her, to not pretend that they were not there. Yet just this once, she would not protest against his words, instead slipping her gloves back on before he had taken her hand, this time though she did not feel burdened by having them on, and let him lead her back to where Sitron had awaited them.

"You have to sing for me once in a while, Elsa." The auburn haired man had told her as he helped her to sit on the saddle before mounting the horse himself, taking hold of the reins as he turned the fjord horse around back to the path they had taken earlier. "I would love to hear your singing again."

Bet you guys can't tell the song she was singing, lol

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