Getting my own back

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"What is wrong with you three? Eh?" Mandy asked disapointly "and what's Cory Wilson got to do with all of this?" Aiming her question directly at me
"Or have I got to go to isolation and ask him myself?" My step mum carried on.
"Girls, I held off over the fight but come on now. You three are friends. What's happened to you since you came to this school?" She asked.
"You can go back to class" She sighed. We all stood up to leave. I turned to walk when Mandy said in a frustrated tone "not you".
I could only hear her voice from behind but I knew she meant me.
I walked over to her desk and slumped back in the chair facing her.
" where were you last night" she questioned me

"I were out" I blandly stated

"Your dad was worried about you, did you not get our calls?" She kept interrogating me
"No" I snapped

" Just don't be too late home tonight" she sighed " I have a governors meeting so I won't be back till after 7, I put the cassaroll from yesterday in the fridge for you"

"OK" I stood up "can I go now"
Mandy nodded. I picked up my bag and left the office.

The rest of the day went slowly. I didn't have anyone to talk to as I was no longer friends with anyone apart from Riz.

I was currently getting changed into my black P.E kit. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and made my way out to the playing field. Everyone was already there.

"What's a girl doing here" one boy shouted.
"There ain't no girls team" I replied.

"Alright then" Mr Simpson said "captains, choose teams"
Riz and Cory stood opposite each other, both trying to make themselves look better than the other.
"Grace" Riz called. I walked to stand behind my mate. I looked round Riz to see Cory's anger stricken face, his eyes burning into Riz's head. If looks could kill.
The calling of names carried on until Cory had a line of white boys and Riz had a line of Asian boys apart from me.

Mr Simpson blew the whistle and the game began. I wondered where my dad could be. My thoughts disappeared when I was passed the ball. I started to dribble the ball towards the goal, I swerved round some boys until my eyes made contact with the boy who broke my heart. He came running towards me, I didn't stop running at him with the ball. We got closer to each other and my foot came into contact with Cory's shin. He fell over and rolled into the mud. I could hear his groans of pain and the shouts of his teammates but I couldn't stop running. I got close enough to the goal and I kicked the football into the net. Riz ran up to me and engulfed me in a celebratory hug.

The whistle blew and both teams gathered in. Cory was limping over to the group.
"Great practice today lads and er lass" Mr Simpson added, " Go and get a shower"
and with that we all walked over to the changing rooms. I walked into the empty girls room and headed to the showers. After a quick rinse. I walked over to my locker and grabbed my spare clothes. After I was changed I walked out into the quad. Cory was waiting for me. "G wait up" he shouted
"Leave me alone Cory"

"You've got to believe me, Nas kissed me"
"Just go Cory!" I screamed at him
I saw Riz running up to us
"You heard her, go" Riz defended me.
"No-one asked you mate"
"C'mon Grace, I'll walk you home" Riz put his arm round my shoulder and guided me out of the front gates.


After about 25 minutes we reached my front door.
"Thanks for walking with me" I said, "do you want to come in?" I ask.
"No, I better be getting home, see you tomorrow Grace" he hugged me and walked down the road.

I unlocked the front door and walked into the hall. dropping my bag on the floor, I grabbed dad's football out of the cupboard under the stairs.
I walked out of the back doors into the garden.
I began to kick the football at the brick wall. I find kicking a football therapeutic. I can't believe Missy promised Cory could have sex with me and then he would make out with one of my best mates. My head is so messed up right now. My feelings for Cory were never this strong. I kicked the ball even harder this time. I could feel the rain landing on my head, it was only light but it was getting heavy quickly. I kept kicking the ball at the side of my home, the tears were streaming down my face and my clothes were soaking. I heard the back door open. My dad was standing in the door holding a towel.
I ran into his arms and sobbed into his chest. "It's OK sweetheart" he said stroking my wet hair. I took a step back.
"Mandy told me you fell out with Nas and Missy and that it also included Cory" I wrapped the towel around me and sat on the sofa.
"Mr Simpson also phoned me to let me know that you took Cory out in footy practice" he kept talking "you must have been angry to push a boy that is nearly a foot taller than you to the ground" He laughed
I started to laugh with him.
"What's for dinner" he asked me
"Mandy said she left some cassaroll" we both looked at each other.
"I'll order a pizza" he said picking his phone off the kitchen island.
"Good idea" I joked.


I climbed out of Mandy's car and went to see what my former best friends were talking about.

" Missy, I don't fancy you." Nas says
"I don't want to like, break your heart or summat." Missy said
"We could figure it out, like, I can"
"Missy, listen to me, OK, really clear now. I don't fancy you."
Missy saw me approaching
"We are so sorry Grace" she gushed " I thought you and Cory were together anyway"
" I'm sorry too, I was trying something new" Nas apologized.
"Yeah, Nasreen is a lezzer!" Missy told me excitedly
"Congratulations Nas" I said "and I forgive yous" I pulled them both in for a hug.
We walk into the front of school with linked arms.

" Nasreen!" Alya exclaimed "What are you doing?"
Me and Missy burst into laughter
" I thought we talked about this. About them." Alya said in a disgusted tone
"Alya, their my best mates. I'm allowed to hang around with who I want." Nas defended us.
Yeah, but you represent us. "We should be sticking together." Alya continued.

"What, so now just cos we look alike and both believe in the same thing I've now got to think like you as well?" Nas sarcastically questioned .
"What, so you're taking it off now? " she shouted
"No Clearly I wasn't wearing it for the right reasons." "You're embarrassing yourself." She huffed

"Have you not listened to a word I said, Alya?" Sadiq asked. "Don't tell other people how to live their lives. Isn't that what half the country think we do anyway?" He scolded

As we were walking through the quad I saw Cory and Riz together. The brunette boy was wearing his usual smirk and glancing at Alya.
Missy noticed the disappointment in my eyes.
"C'mon Grace" she said, "show him what he's missin"
We all looked at each other with a menacing look.
The three of us started to strut straight through the middle of the quad. I confidentiality brushed my hair behind my shoulders. I knew we caught his attention so I started to laugh and make it look like I was having an amazing time. The two girls both followed suit and started to laugh and joke as well.

As we walked through the doors we were in tears of laughter. That showed him.

"So if you don't fancy this" Missy gestured to her own body, " who DO you like?" She kept babbling on, Nas watched the dark haired woman walk past.
"Her? The new teacher? Oh, she ain't gonna go for it, Nas."

" Already has." Nas stated proudly. "No, in the last year at me old school. She were only there a term, but I thought I'd never see her again." She sighed.
"Anyway" I cut off the conversation, "we better get to class." Me and Nas parted from Missy as we went to our lessons.


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Francesca xx

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