All the judges stand up to applaud along with many of the audience

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All the judges stand up to applaud along with many of the audience. I can't help the smile that naturally graces my face as my family cheer like crazy.



After my performance, Tamar had booked out a whole restaurant for our family and PrettyMuch to celebrate my performance and success. We ended up celebrating the whole night and thankfully everybody left the next day so that I could finally speak with my mom.

"I've been meaning to speak to you." I say as I walk besides her.

She gives me weird look as she purses her lips. 

Paparazzi start throwing questions at us as we walk side by side, so we just smile and keep it pushing.

Paparazzi start throwing questions at us as we walk side by side, so we just smile and keep it pushing

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After a few minutes of taking pictures with a few fans we finally make it into Tamar's car.

"Now I ain't gonna start the car till you tell me what is the matter." Tamar says while locking the doors. "I'm your mother, keep it real with me."

"I had a pregnancy scare." I blurt out and her mouth drops. 

"You what?" She slaps the steering wheel and I jump. "What in the hell did I tell you?"

I stay silent so she begins to ramble on to herself asking God what did she do wrong to deserve this.

I sigh as I play with my ponytail.

"I'm not pregnant." I interrupt her ramblings, "And... I don't kids."

My mom literally facepalms before she breakdowns crying. 

"I'm sorry." I mutter as I feel a few splash hit my cheeks. "I just can't, I didn't want to think ahead but the pregnancy scare really made realise that I can't provide that."

"Tiana, what do you mean?"

"I thought I was ok and I thought I was doing good but I'm not good." My lips tremble, "I haven't been good. I'm not over the abuse that I faced for 9 goddamn years. Everyone thinks that after a year or two you'll be good but it's not true. I am covered in scars, I can't sleep at night and sometimes I can't look at my siblings knowing what we endured and how we were separated. I just feel so goddamn lonely."

"Ti," She reaches for me and I allow myself to be comforted by her.

"I'll never be good enough for any man or anyone. I'm saving myself the trouble of damaging the child by being selfish and bringing them into the world knowing that I will never be good enough. I hate myself so much."


Third POV:

"I just don't know what to do," Tamar cries to my sisters. "I didn't know that she was this bad."

"You need to talk about getting her into some treatment facility." Toni states as she sips on her wine. "This is her confession but what is her end game? We don't know and that's why you need to be prepared to get her some actual help."

"We are Braxtons, we can solve this on our own." Miss E interjects, Traci goes to talk but Miss E cuts her off. "Tiana is one of us and we are not sending her away or pushing her aside. For christ sakes, take the girl to church."

"But mommy, we haven't been through what she been through, we don't know how to tackle the situation." Trina says and Tamar continues to cry with Toni comforting her.

"She's your niece for godsakes." Miss E points the finger at them. "She's stronger than you give her credit for since she's been able to hide this for over a year. You talk to your daughter and you fix this. We will not give up on our children."

Miss E then gets up before storming out of the room.

"You need to keep her on watch Tayme, you wouldn't want her getting her tubes tied behind your back." Towanda adds.

Traci cringes, "If anything, you should get her checked out."

"Also check to see if she's in any physical pain, just check if whether any of her injuries have overstayed their visit." Towanda continues.

"Oh Tayme, it'll be alright." Toni tries to comforting.

"I just feel that this is all my fault." Tamar finally says, "Tyson was hitting me and I should've left when I had the chance. It's not fair that my daughter had to go through this and I can't take away her pain."

"If you want someone to blame then it'll be me cause I introduced you to Tyson." Toni shamefully adds as she bows her head and Tamar rubs her hand.

"The only good thing that I got from that asshole is Tiana, so thank you."

"If you want me to talk to her and get more out of her then I can do it. I'll get Andre to watch the kids while I fly out to LA." Towanda offers and Tamar bites her lip since her sisters don't know about her apartment. 

Tamar gets up and heads for the daughter.

"I'm going to check on Ti."

"Keep us updated."

Tamar Braxton's Daughter *Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now