Chapter 7 The Result

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Seth: Hey babe. What wrong.

Sabrina: Seth Please don't get mad at me or anything please. Promise me.

Seth: Babe, I promise I will not get mad at you. But you're actually scaring me.

Sabrina: Okay, Um... I'm Pregnant. Here is the Pregnancy result. Please Seth don't leave me please.

Seth: Sabrina. I'm going to be a dad. How will I get mad at this? I always wanted to be a father of my baby.

Sabrina: So you are happy not mad or anything. *Happy*

Seth: Babe how could I be mad at this. I Love you babe, so much. *Kisses her with passion*

Sabrina: *Kisses back with passion* I'm so happy to hear that.

Seth: *Pull back* I'm going to be a father. If it's a girl then no boys are going near my daughter.

Sabrina: But what if it's a boy.

Seth: Then, I will treat him like a gentleman.

Sabrina: Omg. I have to tell Dean and Roman about this. Don't worry about Roman, I will tell him and you tell Dean.

Seth: No babe. You can't be scared of your brother. I will tell Roman and you tell Dean okay. Everything will be fine. Okay.

Sabrina: Okay.

*They went to the others*

Brie: So how was it?

Sabrina: It was good. He was happy about it.

Dean: About what.

Sabrina: Oh yea. I have to tell you about it in private.

Dean: Okay.

Sabrina: Dean I have to tell you something important but please don't get mad at Seth or me.

Dean: Okay Sabrina. You are scaring me right now.

Dean: Sabrina, I'm... happy for you. I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle. OMG! This is good news.

*hugs Sabrina tight*

Sabrina: Dean don't hug me tight. You might hurt the baby. *tries to pull back*

Dean: I'm sorry sis. *Pull back*

Sabrina: It's okay bro.

*They went to the others*

Sabrina Monologue

So I thought telling Seth and Dean about the news will be awful and bad because you know how Dean is. He is protective a lot. So if anybody did something bad to me. He will turn rage and mad. Nobody wants to see him mad. But at least he was happy to hear the news.

*Sabrina Monologue Ends*

Seth: Now that all of us know the news then Dean and I will not bother doing this. *Start running and screaming I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER*

Dean: *starts doing the same thing but different to say I'M GOING TO BE AN UNCLE*

Sabrina: Boys. *Started laughing*

*Everybody else started to laugh*

*Everybody was backstage to see the Shield have their match*

John: Hey Sabrina. I heard Seth screaming that he is going to be a father.

Daniel: And I heard Dean screaming that he is going to be an uncle.

Sabrina: Yea. Guess who is going to be a Mother.

John: Congratulation. You got propose and having a baby. Well that is amazing.

Daniel: Yea. Congratulation. How about we celebrate your first child at Brie and I house.

Sabrina: Aww. Thank You guys. But let me see if the guys are able to because of their schedule. But I know I will definitely go.

Daniel: Okay. Just tell Brie if you are going or not.

Sabrina: Okay

Next Time on Total Divas

Sabrina: Well WWE Universe. I'm having a baby.

Seth: Well I know you people love Sabrina but she is going to be out of action because she is pregnant. I know you guys are sad but that is how it is. But when the baby is grown up then I think Sabrina will be back. So thank you guys for your support.

 Sabrina Monologue

It was hard to leave WWE because it was my life. I had train a lot to be in this company but now it is done for me but I'm doing this for my baby and our little family. I can't wait for you to come in this world.*rubbing her stomach* But don't worry because Sabrina is coming pretty soon.

*Sabrina Monologue Ends*

Dean: Let get in Dean Mode.

Brie: Hey that my thing and it is not Dean Mode, it is BRIE MODE.

Everybody started to laugh

There was a knock on the Door

Sabrina: I will open the door. *open the door*

Sabrina: What the Hell are you doing here? I told you not to be here ever again.

Who do you think is at the door?

I think everyone knows or maybe not.

You will see in the next chapter

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