"But I never thought you would dare me to do something like that,"  I responded anxiously.

"You could always do the penalty," suggested Corey wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Relief flooded my body as something less daring seemed to have presented itself.  Jumping at the opportunity I quickly ask, "What's the penalty?"

"You have to let me and Corey both suck on your tįts," smirked David.

"That's no better," I exclaimed. I could feel tears form in my eyes at my options "These options suck! You want me to either take my pants off or let you two," the words caught in my throat but I forced them out, "or let both of you suck on my tįts."

"That about sums it up," smirked David leaning back. "We'll give you a moment to chose."

"And if I say neither that you both can get out!" I was ready and willing to end this stupid game and kick both their ąsses out.

Corey shrugged, his dark brown eyes staring at me with some type of twisted amusement. "We'll leave," he smile turned cocky. "And just tell your mom we tried to be friends again but like she thought, you're obviously depressed and need clinical help."

My mouth fell open at this.

"You know she told my mom that she thinks you should be sent to Northshore mental resort for a 'much needed rest," added David.

My eyes had to be as big as a saucer, I was appalled shocked as David shook his head in faux sympathy and lowered his hands from the air quotes he'd just used.

"You wouldn't," I gasp.  I know my mom thought I was depressed but I was just stressed I double major and school is hard right now with midterms.

"Of course we would," smirked David his hand coming to rest on my knee and squeezing.  "But you can stop that just by being a good girl and playing."

I knocked his hand away and stood up.  As quickly as humanly possible I pulled my pants off showing my pink and green striped underwear.

"You both happy now," i mope as I plop back in my seat.

"Ecstatic," smirked Corey so cocky I wanted to smack him.  "It's your turn now," he added before sitting back in the seat.

"Fine," I huff. "Corey truth or dare?"

"Dare," drawled Corey.

"I dare you to take off your shirt!"  I can play this game too, I think smugly.  I fold my legs, place the pillow in my lap to cover myself and smile.

"Take off my shirt," laughed Corey standing up and shrugging the navy blue t-shirt off.  My mouth went dry as hell as I ogled his flat stomach.   Oh, he didn't have a six pack but it was perfect... all golden brown and taunt.

"Earth to Jessica," I heard David and he sounded annoyed.  It took everything in me to drag my eyes from Corey's chest and abs.

"Y-y-yes," I stammered.

"I asked if you wanted truth or dare?"

I lick my dry lips as the seat next to me became occupied.  "Truth."

David pouted slightly but quickly recovered.  "Have you ever given head?"

My cheeks light up, "Yes."

"To who," asked David with a scowl on his handsome face.

I press my lips together and shake my head, I'd be damned if I tell either of them that I was lying.   The closest I'd came to giving head was the tutorial on YouTube with the lady showing how it's done with peanut butter and a banana.

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