She glared at me. "Shane still doesn't have any... marker on his... face?" She had slunghim back over, and turned him to face everyone.

His face was colored hot pink.

"No marker, eh?" Shane said, waggling his eyebrows in a rather pitiful attempt to look intelligent.

"...I hate all of you," Gerilynn grumbled as she was tackled to the ground, markers in hand.

I watched from my spot, still clinging to Kakashi. "Don't forget the embarrassing thing!" I shouted at Shane, and he grinned evilly.

"Thanks for the help, you two. Appreciated it," she said sarcastically.

"Welcomes!" I chirped with a grin.

"Haha! Done," Akina giggled, climbing off of her with the others.

"I like the forehead bit," Irishi laughed, standing carefully out of punching distance.

"Personally, I like the mustache. It suits you, Cap'," Takeo added.

"Who drew that on her arm?!" I exclaimed pointing to the toe.

Kenji blushed the same color of his hair.

"...I have nothing to say to you." Gerilynn got to her feet and stomped out of the room, muttering about 'ingrateful moochers defiling her home'.

"A toe?" I raised an eyebrow.

"...Shut up..." Kenji walked into the kitchen and started raiding the fridge.

"Do you want to walk now?" Kakashi teased me, seeing as I was still clinging to him.

"Nope!" I popped the 'p'.

He sighed dramatically but wrapped his arms around me more securely.

"FIRE!" Shane shouted, running from the kitchen with Kenji right behind him.

"Oh come on," Gerilynn growled exasperatedly as she stalked back into the room, running for the kitchen. "How many friggin' times do we have to do this, Shane?"

 "It was Kenji's fault! He was supposed to watch me!" Shane threw Kenji under the bus as he hid behind Takeo.

"What?! You didn't even tell me you were turning on the stove!" Kenji defended.

"So you both started the fire," I reasoned happily as Gerilynn emerged from the kitchen, her face covered in soot and a smoking frying pan held at the ready in one hand.

"So I'm going to beat both of you. Good to know," she snarled, charging at them and whacking both of them over the head before they could move.

My eyes bugged as I watched her, my mouth opening and closing.

She stood over the cowering boys, her chest heaving, frying pan still raised.

"If you ever light my kitchen on fire again, this frying pan is going where the sun don't shine. Get the picture?" the kunoichi snarled.

They nodded frantically, and Kakashi shifted me a bit.

I looked up at him, amused.

"You plan on setting her kitchen on fire or something?" I teased.

"No... But Shane does, and I'd rather not get caught in the crossfire..." he mumbled.

I laughed at him, shaking my head slightly, "Men..."

"Hey, if you were that sensitive down there, you'd be worried too," he defended, blushing slightly.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें