The only bad thing is the fact that it takes longer to get to Grayson's house by going this way. We started again and raced as far as we could. The car came to a quick halt. I looked up and noticed that car pulled out right in front of us causing Ethan to get ahead of us and us slowing down because of this slow a car.

"WHY DID SHE DO THAT" Grayson yelled while laughing. "AND THEN SHE SLOWS DOWN RIGHT IN FRONT OF US, MOVE GRANDMA." I just laughed while Grayson tried to be angry at the lady in front of us but failed.


We pulled in to the large level garage of cars until Grayson found his parking spot. Ethan walked up to us out of nowhere smiling.

"I won." If it wasn't for that lady we would've won. "You cheated." I whispered but Ethan still heard he just didn't say anything.

"You won the car race but you won't win the running  race"

Grayson just smirked while he made it clear that he wanted to race us to his apartment. I took off into the door that leads you to a whole floor of homes and made my way to Grayson's apartment. I waited outside Grayson's door for only a few seconds until the twins caught up with me.

"I won." I smiled accidentally repeating what Ethan said earlier.

"You cheated." Ethan whispered  smirking purposely repeating what I said earlier.

After our race we entered Grayson's nice apartment and waited for Cam to get here.

"How did I cheat?" Ethan asked monotonously.

"You're obviously used to driving fast. The real question is how did I cheat?"

"You got a head start." Is all he could say. "Have you seen you and Grayson? You guys are built of muscle and on top of that Grayson always beats me in races so I know for a fact that you'll beat me too." Grayson and I racing to his apartment isn't new. We race all the time."Well we'll have to change that won't we." What he said made no sense to me but I just dropped it

After basically doing nothing but going on our phones. Grayson started to slowly fall asleep. He kept stopping himself from falling over and laying down to just sleep. After a while of silently laughing at his attempts of getting up I decided to help him out. "Let's go G." I tried to get him to get out of the one seater couch and find a comfortable spot to sleep on the 3 seater couch.

"Go to sleep I'll wake you when Cam gets here." I pulled the couch blanket over him and let him rest.

Right before Grayson could close his eyes Ethan's phone rang and once again it's from Wesley. Grayson got up and realized his sleep had left him. "Sorry G." Ethan apologized and just decided to text Wesley instead of picking up his call. I turned on me and Graysons movie, Ratatouille and found a comfortable spot on the floor in between Grays legs as he sat on the couch

"Who's Wesley?" I was curious. "My friend. Why?"

"No reason" Ethan snatched my phone from my hand and tried guessing my password.

"Give it back" I giggled while trying to get my phone out of Ethan's hands. "Not until I get your number." This boy didn't have to do all this just for my number. "Uhh we just met but ok." Grayson sat there watching us and said " that's why you give him your number. So you guys can get to know each other."

Ethan turned to me with an eyebrow raised and handed me his phone so I could put my number in while I put my password in for him so he could do the same. "Alright here you go" I said as I handed him his phone with my name as "🛎(Belle)" when he handed me my phone he put his name under "only text back if ready" but I just changed it to "Ethan"

Cam finally arrived. Cam is not only the twins sister but my best friend only she doesn't live in LA and I only see her every once and a while mostly during the summer. She's been here for a week and today is her last day so she decided to come over a chill with Ethan. She is also the reason why I've been spending the night at Grayson's house for so long. We've basically been at Grayson's house throwing parties for the three of us.

"Hey guys. What's up E? You've been missing. I haven't seen you since Easter." Cam said while giving him a hug. "That's not that long ago Cam"

"Ethan it's July." Cameron said in a duh tone. "That's only two or three months Cam."

"Family isn't supposed to leave you without texting or calling each other for two or three months without letting anyone know where they're going."

Where did Ethan go?

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