Thank You!

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So, I feel that you all should know that you have boosted my confidence about sharing my work. Before this fan fiction was created I would write great material (now looking back at it I realize that's what it was) and just deleted it because I didn't want others to see it because I was afraid they wouldn't like it. Or that they would laugh at it.

Thanks to you all that have commented on the chapters and these updates I have posted my first rough draft of a chapter. It is also one of the longest I've written in a while.

I do actually have to confess that when I posted chapter 1, I almost took it down the next day. I kept thinking about it the night before and I kept telling myself that no one was going to like it and I was just going to embarrass myself. So I decided I'd just wait until morning and if no one had read it I would take it down. I got up the next morning, got on Wattpad...

And there was one comment.

"I like this fanfic so far"

That comment saved the story.

That is also when I started to trust my writing abilities.

I mean it's not like I'd never written before because I have a poem published in a book, won a writing contest in elementary and middle school, and get praise on essay's from my English teachers. Even after all of this I didn't trust myself and I didn't think I was good.

But I wasn't sharing those works with everyone. Only a few select people I know have seen my material, but still none have seen this one.

So anyways, thank you to maevegodwin29 for saving this fan fiction. If it wouldn't had been for your comment 1 year ago, I don't think I'd be writing anymore.

Until next time, BYEEEEE!!!

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