The dare JohnnyXreader

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The party was in full swing and everyone was loud, rowdy, and drunk, the House was dimly lit with multicolored strobe lights. You and your two best friends, Tori and Diamond had decided to crash a Hills party and you didn't regret your decision.
"I guess Hills people know how to party too" you say laughing looking over at the large crowd of raving rich kids. Tori nods chuckling and takes a large swing of her drink. "Yeah who knew? I guess with a little vodka anyone can" Diamond adds. Even though you guys were having fun, you wanted to make it a bit more interesting since the only people you were friends with at the party were Tori and Diamond. "Hey..lets play truth or dare!!" You suggest turning towards your friends. "Sounds good to me, Tori?" Diamond asks facing Tori. "Anything that'll get me drunk or laid" she says winking and we all laugh. "Okay! Mhm who goes first?" You ask, Tori raises her hand up in the air spilling a bit of spiked punch all over the floor. "Ooh! Ooh! Me!!" You giggle and shake your head at her classic reckless behavior and nod. "Okay Mrs. Big-shot, give me your worst" You say smiling and winking. "Mhhh.." Tori hums thinking to herself, she turns to Diamond. "Help me out a lil will ya Diamond? She wants bad we'll give her bad" she says smirking at you. You scoff and roll your eyes playfully, playing with an empty solo cup, you only had one drink cause you didn't want a hangover in the morning. Diamond whispers in Tori's ear and Tori grows an evil smile on her face. They both giggle and turn to you "you have to make out with Johnny" Tori says giggling pointing over to the group of drunk Cobra kai's talking amongst themselves. You choke on your drink and start coughing like crazy "you have GOT to be kidding me!!" You yell at them. You and Johnny HATED each other, him and his stupid cobra's would always beat you up and pick on you daily, you resented him and vice versa. The last thing you wanted was to lock lips with the infamous asshole. You shake your head wildly putting your hands up in defense "no way guys, you know we hate each other and that's just bound to end up terrible, he makes me wanna vomit" you say and start fake gagging. Your friends burst out laughing "that's kinda the point Y/N" Diamond says loudly trying to talk over the loud music and drunken conversations. "It was your idea honey, now you gotta follow through with it" Tori adds. You look back at the Cobras, they were all laughing and play fighting, you see Johnny fan himself with his hand then proceed to take off his shirt showing off his toned sweaty torso. Dutch looks in your direction and catches you looking, he scowls at you and does a cutting motion to his neck, you roll your eyes and flip him off. You turn back around "No way" you say crossing your arms, "Oh come on Y/N! He's probably really drunk and won't even remember in the morning" Tori says cocking an eyebrow at the drunken group. You purse your lips and let out a sigh turning back once more. You turn back around "Okay, lets make it a bet and I'll do it. If I make out with him you owe me 20$, each!" They both laugh and nod "DEAL!!" They say in unison. You chuckle nervously and reach for a filled solo cup, you chug it down easily and instantly feel a bit calmer, intoxication taking over you. "Wish me luck bitches" you say giggling and walk away.
You make your way through the swarm of drunk and sweaty bodies, one of the Cobra spots you walking towards them, Jimmy. He gives you a weird look and taps the other Cobra alerting them that you're walking over. Your heart is racing and you feel your knees get weak. They all look at you whispering to each other, curiosity and anger filled expressions. You try your best to ignore it and avoid eye contact till you're standing right in front of them.
"Look what the cat dragged in" Dutch snickers looking at you with disgust. Tommy looks at you and scoffs " what the fuck do you want L/N??" Giving you a dirty look. Before you could answer Bobby pipes up "Yeah what the hell? I thought they didn't let poor trash into these types of parties" you gulp and feel self conscious looking down at your tight body con dress, anger simmering. You look back up with resting bitch face and wait for anyone else to say anything. "Well are you just gonna stand there looking stupid?? We just asked you what the fuck do you w-" Johnny says but gets cut off by you wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him into a deep kiss. Johnny instantly stiffens with a shock filled expression, but then closes his eyes and melts into the kiss. He put one hand on your waist and one on your ass. Johnny felt conflicted " but I hate her, right??" He thought in his head but your kissing skills made him think otherwise. Johnny squeezes your ass and you moan slightly, he takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring you. You play with his tongue and grip his soft blonde locks tugging a little, he moans pulling your body closer to his. You smile into the kiss feeling weirdly satisfied that you gave him pleasure. You slide your hand down his abs stopping right at his v-line, Johnny shivers and feels himself growing hard. Johnny bites down on your bottom lip and you feel your senses light up. You were so conflicted, no longer than twenty minutes ago you hated him and now you're sharing one of the hottest kisses of your life with him. You pull away from the kiss, a small trail of saliva between your two mouths, you look up at Johnny for a quick second, and if you weren't mistaken, you almost saw a bit of disappointment that you had pulled away on the older blonde boys face. "Wow Y/N... I-..." Johnny was at a loss of words, the other Cobras seemed to be as well. They all eye goggled at you with surprised expressions, you couldn't tell if they were shocked or impressed, possibly both. You began to get nervous again, your head was swimming and your hands began to shake. "Umm well I gotta go goodbye now" you say as quick as possible and spin around to walk back to your friends who were just as shocked but also laughing and cheering you on. Johnny grabs your arm before you can walk away "w-wait Y/N.. what the hell was that for??" He asks pulling you closer to him. "Oh um yeah about that.." you laugh nervously and scratch the back of your head. "It was dare to make out with you.. ya know, since we hate each other and if I did it I would get 40$ out of it". Johnny looked almost sad, like he wanted you to just kiss him because you like him genuinely.
"Well, I sure don't hate you anymore" he says scratching the back of his neck nervously. You look at him surprised and you cock an eyebrow at him "really??" You ask, it sounded almost hopeful, you don't know why but you were hoping he was serious. "Y-yeah, um, can I maybe get your number? I'm really sorry about how I treated you in the past and I really want to get to know you more" he says winking letting a bit of cockiness show. "Oh um, sure" you say and take a pen and paper off a table writing your number down and giving him the paper. "Wow Y/N, I guess we really under estimated you" Tommy says smirking. "Yeah, you're a lot cooler than we thought you were" Bobby says, Jimmy and Dutch chuckle nodding in agreement. "Thanks" you say smiling shyly. "We should chill sometime" Jimmy adds. "T-thanks, Y/N" he says holding up your number. You walk away smiling to yourself and go back to your squealing friends. "OH MY GOD Y/Y!! YOU REALLY DID IT!!" Diamond says shaking you by the shoulders. "Looks like you enjoyed it too" Tori says winking. You giggle playing with your hands "yeah.. I don't think he'll be forgetting this moment anytime soon" you say winking.
A/N: WOWIE THAT STORY WAS LONGER THAN EXPECTED! I really hope you guys enjoyed this story and if you want a part two were the reader and Johnny take it a bit farther than kissing let me know ;)) also PLEASE comment down below how I can improve my stories in any way!! (shorter/longer plot, less or more dialogue etc.) I would greatly appreciate it!! Also comment some requests that I should do! Okay bye lovelys!! Thanks for reading ❤️

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