entering the Sirens meadow

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[ Puck's POV ]

Before dawn, I found an entrance to an intimidating gorge further away from the fairies who lived in the woods. However, I didn't dare to enter in fear of what lay beyond. I swiftly flew back into the woods and told Oberon, a king of the fairies, of my discovery. After I informed him, he found it enthralling. Without hesitation, he demanded me to show him where the cave was.

"How did you take notice, Puck?" asked Oberon.

"My dear King, I was hovering above the trees, in search of a pristine journey and found a deep gorge," I replied.

"I see. Well done, Puck. We shall explore this extravagant locale in a moment".

The King always had a strong-willed and powerful demeanour. He was sympathetic, but he never really expressed it. Oberon never thought much of his royalty, since his fairy kingdom was already under control and peaceful. 

The fairies danced breathlessly in the dusk and with the stars. The sky's colour erupted into the mellow atmosphere. This was the absolute point in time of lightest darkness. Dawn was breaking, signalling the fleeting moment when the sun could kiss the moon goodbye.

Crystallised orbs of light illuminated the base of the gorge, revealing a small and deep pool of water. Fortunately, this wasn't the end. There was a continuation of an underwater cave, leading to an unknown side of the gorge. Through my eyes, it seemed intimidating, but not to Oberon. He insisted on continuing and I certainly couldn't oppose the King.

We swiftly swam to the other side of the cave. Our heads emerged from the water, as we were introduced to a rocky coast surrounded by cliffs.

"O-Oberon, doesn't that seem quite... threatening to you? If someone sailed their ships on this part of the ocean, they would be begging for a death wish," I hesitantly enunciated.

"Quit your nonsense, my loyal servant. We came here to begin an adventure, not hear an earful of your unpleasant whining," reasoned Oberon.

Not far from where we were fluttering, there was a sailing boat sliding gracefully across the rocky coast. Five overly ambitious crewmen spotted the first reddish streaks of dawn. Perhaps the sailors chose this time of day for voyaging to evade the merciless waves. They must have encountered catastrophic events, considering their wise approach.

"First of all, guard against the wondrous voices of the Sirens in their flowery meadow. Tie yourselves down with cruel bonds, with sturdy ropes, so we can remain still. Assure yourself not to drown in the ocean," shouted the crewman.

They lashed the rope ends to the mast, then sat and struck the mystical sea with their wooden oars.

"Puck, a cave so close to the ocean led us to the coast," he abruptly turned to me, eyes glinting with anticipation. "Could this place be the nest of misleading Sirens? I heard they sing wondrous melodies and play heavenly instruments". He tapped his finger on a rock, drowning in his presumption.

Unexpectedly, a celestial-looking Siren leapt out of the water with a lyre in her hand and onto the boat. Her slender fingers gently flowed over the strings as she plucked her lyre. Such elegance was never witnessed before.

I, for one, at least knew the desire of Sirens: the sweetest word is revenge in the Siren's dictionary.

"Let your sailing boat pause awhile, so you may hear the song I shall sing. No man has ever sailed past this meadow and not listened to my sweet-voiced melodies sung from my lips," conceded the Siren.

Her cupid-bow lips moved, and the rapt crewmen listened. They swayed from being elated by her divine voice.

"Her face shines with tears

and her hair is undone

Her eyes roam the ocean

in search of someone.

A lover promised to meet her at dawn.

The lights hit the water,

a voice from the sea,

a haunting melody.

Crystalline caves where

the tide sits neck-deep,

a hollowed heaven

where two lovers meet.

May the waves embrace you,

lull you softly to sleep..."

Her hand reached out to a tall, well-built man in his mid-twenties. His olive-coloured skin topped with black curls and midnight-blue eyes made him... dare I admit it... irresistible. His embroidered shirt and leather sandals fitted his name perfectly: Alexandro. Somehow, I could feel the embroidery weaved in his name - the heavens must have certainly created him.

Alexandro stared at the young Siren and intentionally reached out his hand, surprised by what he was seeing. The Siren was just too well-designed, too detailed. She looked like art, and art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was signified to make you feel something.

But for some reason, Alexandro recalled an exact something.

He wanted to hold her hand, talk to her, listen to her voice. It was almost like they've met before.

"Ease away all the hurt and pain

that you've carried through the years

But if the chances are given,

would you forget about your past?"


If you read this whole chapter, I appreciate it so much! Please, don't forget to vote and continue reading this story. Stay happy and be positive, my kings and queens.

Please read Instantmiso's Webtoon named "Siren's Lament". Trust me this Webtoon won't let you down. The art is superb as well as the storyline. I really like the webtoon because it inspired me to create "At the Edge of the Ocean". So, please, give it a go~

Siren's Lament: https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/sirens-lament/list?title_no=632&page=1 ]


The Siren's song is merged consisting of a YouTube music video and a poem. All credits are given to the respective and rightful owners:

[ lambia - siren song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUF7V0VZfV4 ]

[ Would You Forget It? by Plumeria Aziar: https://hellopoetry.com/poem/1662428/would-you-forget-it/ ]

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