I backed up against the wall as he descended the stairs until he was face to face with me. He smiled at me.

“That would be our daddy dearest,” he said, pretending to gaze at the photo.

My father? Why would a picture of him be in Noah’s house? What Drew said hit me. Our? What did he mean our daddy dearest?

“Our?” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

He smirked and I knew I had taken the bait. He put a hand over his mouth and arranged his expression into a surprised one, but his eyes held mischief.

“Dear me, I can’t believe I let it slip. Although, I expected Noah to have told you by now,” He said, shaking his head and holding back a smile.

What was Noah keeping from me? Was Drew lying, and if so, why would he lie about something like this?

“Tell me what?” I pressed. Now that he got me started, I couldn’t stop until I knew everything.

“Oh I suppose I might as well just tell you, seeing as you already know half the story,” He said dramatically.

He clapped his hands together. “Story time!” He cleared his throat.

“I’ll start from the beginning. Your mother died when you were four, right?” He asked. I froze.

“How do you know about my mother?” I asked. He shook his finger at me, scolding me.

“Tsk, tsk, Amber. Save your questions until the end,” He grinned.

“So after that, the beatings started to get worse right? And he would sometimes disappear for days at a time but when he returned, he would be even worse than the last time you saw him?” He asked. I got a feeling it was a rhetorical question, but I nodded my head anyway.

Again, I wondered how he even knew about the beatings. Noah wouldn’t have told him, so how did he find out? I kept my mouth shut and waited for him to continue.

“That’s where I come in. You see, your father got some woman knocked up, whose identity is still unknown by the way, and she gave birth and dumped him with the baby. She disappeared and left him with the baby, who was, if you haven’t guessed already, me,” Drew said. Even though this seemed like a sad story, he was grinning.

“Your father sure as hell wasn’t going to raise a son, so he dumped me on Noah’s mommy, another woman he was having an affair with. I don’t remember much, but he would stop by every few weeks only to check up, but he would get so mad at us, and hit Noah’s mom. Actually, he treated her the same way he treated you,” Drew said, still looking unaffected.

“Everything was torture for us until, two years ago, he left and never came back,” He finished. He eyed my horrified expression and laughed.

“Don’t worry sweetheart. You and your boyfriend are in no way related,” He said.

“How do I know you’re not lying?” I asked, my voice coming out harsh.

“About the relation thing?”

“About the story!” I yelled, beyond furious. He smirked and took a step closer to me. I couldn’t move back, seeing as I was already stuck to the wall. Soon our faces were inches away.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me that you think I’m lying,” Drew said. I met his eyes and I saw truth in them. And as horrible as it was, I believed him.

Everything made sense now. His story was so flawless it had to be true.

“So you’re my half -brother?” I squeaked, moments away from breaking down. Drew nodded.

“Yep. But we don’t share the same mother, which is why I don’t feel so bad when I do this,” He said, leaning down and kissing me.

Right away, I tried to shove him off me, but his grip was tight. He shoved my mouth open and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I brought my knee up and kneed him hard where the sun didn’t shine.

He yelped and fell to the floor, clutching his parts. I stormed away from him and ran outside.

I couldn’t believe Noah could do this to me. How could he keep something like this a secret?

I realized this is what Tyler probably meant when he said Noah was special. He had seen his mother get used like that, and he hadn’t told me. But they had both kept Drew a secret, and it wasn’t their secret to keep.

Noah should have definitely told me! Tyler didn’t know Drew and I had ever even spoken, much less he tried to kiss me! But Noah knew and he didn’t say anything. He kept his mouth shut and never bothered to tell me that my half-brother had tried to rape me!

Tears were now strolling rapidly down my face as I began the long walk home.

Okay! Don’t hate me! It had to be done. :( I am writing the next chapter in Noah’s POV so you can sort of see his reasoning for keeping it a secret.

I’m halfway done with the next chapter so you know what to do for an upload ;)

Votes: 75

Next Upload: Thursday

Also, comments are appreciated and put me in a very upload-y mood ;)


Thanks for reading <3 <3 <3


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