Part 3

16 1 0

Haha sone i Williams briefing 5 kids kill and so no but what if I have to hide am hareing voies ters gost caesing me aha I will hide in this suit hah ha hja ha ha ha aha  ahah ahaha ahanhah ha------ugja ahhhh help mee hllleeeeppp aaaaaaa a a a a gost we will be set free (in pay pers )will this be the fall of faz bares pizza may be but the name will sitt live on as we go we are opening a new atton come donw to faz bares fruit the horror atons hahah hah ah aha (kid) hahahaha this scry ha ah ah ha ha ha don't waqte my brus kid sorry you cant be here whoit an ault hutp I did not ack tyou did I ?! (runs) hey kid wait ha ah ah he will never cat me (find sping srap )  oh umm hi? I gess? oh no help HELP!!!!!!....................... kid were d............ oh god oh no oh no no no no no (sits) how why am sorry so so sorry(driges bode)  (the next day ) all kid must have an alut whit teme no acton bu..........that did not sop the killing I do not know who or why but why why oh why oh why o0h why soon it was time to stut donw I keep seing gost but I do not kow if it was part of the atsoc or not my mide was playing triks on me but I was going to lose it.sOoN haHaha SoOn  this PlAcE Is GOing To BuNE DoNe Soon .and so as the day went on the killing became wost as pepo goy ther herd copt off and stap 100 times. iTs TiMe haHahahaha (tost mace ) hahahahaha ha ha ha ha this place will bune done hahaha and whit me in ity h hah ah ah ha ha ha ha  ha ha soon 

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