I roll my eyes at him. "Believe it or not, you look way older than eighteen."

The waitress appears with our drinks just in the Knick of time. We order our meals while she's here so she does not have to make so many trips; me getting chicken tortellini and Jace ordering spaghetti and meatballs.

"On to a different subject," he wiggles his eyebrows which nearly has me choking on my water. "Did I hear you call me babe back there?"

I blush and look down. I was hoping he hadn't caught that slip up done on my part. As much as I love when Jace calls me baby or babe, the words never roll off of my tongue easily. I just don't feel like I'm meant for them, and I'm also pretty sure they don't sound right coming from me regardless.

"I didn't mean to," I take a deep breath. "It kind of just slipped."

"You should slip up more often then." In the split second that I refer my eyes back to his, he winks at me and it sends me into a further face burning. "I love it."

"I'll just leave it to you." I run a hand through my hair and smile.

"We'll see about that." I sense the challenge in his voice, but choose not to play on it. I'm pretty positive that he will never be hearing either of those words again or any pet name for that matter coming from my lips.

My phone buzzes in my purse, going unnoticed by Jace, but I'm very aware. Subtly sliding the device out of my clutch, Damon's name is on the screen, two unread messages flashing.

Damon: everything is ready to go

Damon: I'll be at your house at exactly 11:30 don't be late

A heavy feeling is back in my chest when I text back a reply. Not only am I keeping something this big from Jace, but I'm also going into a dangerous situation. I trust Damon, though. He's telling me that there will be men inside and outside the building, making sure nothing will happen to me. They will be hidden, though, which has me a little nervous.

I'm supposed to talk James into having his men go outside, offer him a different deal - one having to do with me. I'm not even sure it will work, but Damon is pretty adamant on it. He said - and I quote - "He won't be able to resist you."

Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I'm only going along with it because with all the times Jace has protected me and made sure I was safe, it's now my turn to do the same back. It shouldn't always be him giving and never getting anything in return.

"Chicken tortellini?" I raise my hand slightly and the food runner sets the steaming plate in front of me. The scent of freshly cooked pasta is an immediate welcome for my rumbling tummy.

"Hungry?" Jace holds in a laugh. I hadn't realized it was so loud.

I giggle. "I am, actually."

"It is nearly eight o'clock," He understandingly informs, looking guilty.

"And I haven't eaten all day," I push away his comment. "I would've been hungry at any time."

Small chatter fills our small meal, both of us laughing and enjoying the small Italian joint. The food is incredible and I finish it all despite the large portion. Jace praises me on the job well done, joking about how now his money won't be going to waste. I know he's joking so I throw a wadded up straw wrapper at him.

"How mature." To further entertain his statement, he sticks out his tongue. I playfully glare at him, waiting for the waitress to place down the paid bill. "Ready?"

"Yep." I get out of my seat and place my hand in Jace's awaiting one. Snow is falling in thick sheets as we walk out to his car - and it's more of a slow jog. My boyfriend holds the door open for me then quickly runs back to his side.

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