02. Bridge to Terra

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Blessing Earth glowed brightly (Touma really glad he didn't forget to shut down the alarm for a while) and engulfed the room with it light. When the light dissipated Touma saw it, floated above both of Riku palm was a silverish red gem. Riku then cupped the gem and bring it to his chest. He closed his eyes and smiled "Thank you Terra, i hope someday i can use you directly."

Terra gem glowed for a while like answering to what Riku said. He turned around and smiled to Touma dumbfounded face. "Let's go back Touma."

Touma managed to compose himself, he face palmed. "Oh god somewhere above... Riku you... Blessing Earth... urgh, you better explain everything later Riku."

Both of them then went out of the room, both of them walked at the hallway toward the back door. When Touma turned left he immediately stepped back and held Riku mouth. He peeked from his position and there he saw that Yaotome Gaku and Tsunashi Ryuunosuke, two member of TRG walked toward his position. 'Oh damn...'

"Touma?" Mouthed Riku at Touma hand. Touma released his hand from Riku, he leaned toward Riku ear and whispered

"Your brother teammate heading here now."

Riku widen his eyes and whispered "You said that they had mission at Osaka base!"

"I didn't knew they returned early! Now hurry up an hide inside one of these room! That Yaotome will know that you're not an DIFENDERE member." Touma whispered back

Riku nodded and immediately went inside one of the door. When Touma saw Riku entered one of the door he sighed out a relieved breath, he turned around and saw that both Gaku and Ryuu already at the curve. He decided to just walk normaly toward them. And when he passed both of them he felt relieved that both didn't stopped him, he immediately turn at the another junction he saw and slumped down there. He then heard

"Gaku what's wrong?"

"Nothing, that person earlier... I think i know him. I'm sure that's member of combat unit..."

"Combat unit? There's no way someone from combat unit here at this time."

"...You're right."

Gaku looked at one of the door and shouted "Oi Tenn you done?!"

Then Touma heard a door being opened and another voice joined

"I'm done. Let's go Gaku, Ryuu."

The voice of Riku older brother, 'Shit' Touma tought. And he heard three footstep walked away

~With Riku~

When Riku entered the room he knew that this room was an bathroom. He glad that it was men bathroom. He immediately entered one of the stall, before he closed the door of the stall he saw it from the mirror infront of the stall, his brother walked out from the stall beside him.

'Tenn-nii!' Shouted Riku at his mind

Oh... how much Riku want to went out from this stall and hugged his brother. How much he want to ask why his brother leave him. How much he want his brother to return. But he cann't move, no matter how much he want to went outside now to met his beloved brother he cann't, Touma will be in danger if he being found out sneaked someone inside the base. So he covered his mouth with both of his hand, trying to held his breathing sound and tears.

Riku then heard a sound of water streaming, and not long he heard Tenn mumbled "Almost one year... I wonder how Riku doing now."

'I'm here Tenn-nii!'

"Did DIFENDERE following the agrement... I hope so..."

'What agrement?!'

Argh!! Riku really want to went out now and asked his brother. Outside the stall Tenn noticed that one of the stall door closed, he was very sure that only him inside of this bathroom earlier.

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