Chapter 1

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 After my birthday party got so out of hand I knew I was eventually was going to snap. I had to return to the club world for the night. I realize it wasn't the best day to choose, but i have to.

I got up out of bed and head towards the kitchen where Mino was still reading his book.


"I was wondering if you would get any sleep tonight?"

"Can we go somewhere, I'm asking out of curiosity, either you go with or I go alone."

"Where are we going" Mino responds quick to his feet, while picking up his keys from the coffee table he threw them on.


We start to arrive in Hollywood. The place I used to spend so much time in. We pull up to the parking lot of the Underground Club. The same bouncer still manning the front of the club.

"Am I dreaming or is that actually Lila Black?" the bouncer Oliver says.

"In the flesh" I respond suddenly overjoyed.

"It's been what almost two years?" With that all of a sudden all the memories flood my brain. The reason I left, the Cupids. The day I meet them was sort of the last time I was last in the club scene.

Oliver lets us pass into the club. My early teens suddenly all flood my mind. I spot Justin the MC and Jax's best friend leaning against the bar looking over what most likely are today's profits.

His eyes suddenly fix on mine, when I walk in. I turn around to Mino and open my mouth to speak. I mouth "Behave" to him as Justin makes his way towards us.

"Lila is that you, you look so... grown up"

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again too, Justin"

"The last time I saw you was that night with you and Jax.."

I cut him off as fast as I could, Jax was one of the people I abandoned and I no longer think that was the wisest idea. "Yeah, um i was wondering if you had a set available tonight"

"Do you mean tonight as in 18 hours from now?"


"For you of course"

"Ok i'll see you then"

I turn my heels about to head to the door when Justin blurts out "Happy Birthday by the way".


The car ride back to Mino's was very quiet. Almost to quiet. I think back to all Mino has found out. All the questions I bet he will ask.

We enter his large loft and I start to head toward the bedroom I occupied when suddenly Mino grabs my wrist.

"Join me at the island, why don't you?"

I grab my usual stool in front of Mino and prepare myself to explain my former life. The cupid's think that they know everything because of there surveillance, but they don't know this.

"How about we play 20 questions?" Mino asks me. This brings me back to when I played 3 questions with Valentine in the temple in his sim.

"Who is Jax?"

"How about a different question?"

"I can always just go into your mind"

"I thought you said you wouldn't do that unless I asked you to?"

"I did, didn't I"

"Jax is a bit of a complicated matter"

"Uncomplicate it for me"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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