Chapter 3 : something about your pet!?

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You woke up very early in the morning as you sore your little pet starting to grow. So big he can't even go on your shoulder eny more by how much he Ways.

After you had breakfast 🍳. You gone in the living to read you favourite book, you were reading ______ . Suddenly, capper came over and sat right next to you and said in a complicated language. "What's hiss mama, ....yummy Yuma."
You think of  him as a kid much more than a pet. So you tort him how to read, talk properly, count and learn history.

7 days later

Your pet started to know almost everything thanks to you and your help. After a lot of lessons, capper started to fall asleep on your knees while you were reading ______. "_____, will you always take care of me?" He said
With a little yawn. "Always my darling,
Always." You answered. All of a sudden, there was a knock on your door. You got up and opened the door and said "who's there?". It was your friend _____. _____ came in to see capper as he was sitting on the sofa upwards. "O my god, is he..... sitting. Coooool!" Said _____ getting surprise.

1 hour of gasp about capper in the kitchen

"I think capper, is starting to ack like a
An national human being. Don't you think?" said _____ as you were looking into space. "Ya." You Said while
You were looking at capper playing with some blocks. "I sore some pictures of me wen I was a toddler, but.... capper isn't the same size wen I was small. He's much more larger then any baby or child in the entire world or universe." _____ said while drinking some tea. "What.... does this mean he'll be taller then use!" Said ____ Spitting our tea. Capper came over to you and said "ya, I'm going to be big and strong." "I know, sugar cube." You Said as your eyes sparkled at him. "oh that reminds me, another sugar cube please😁" Said _____ politely.

Your best friend was about to go back home, she gave you a big hug and ran home and said thank you very loudly.
You closed the door and went into the living room and rested on the sofa. After a couple of minutes, capper came over as he sat down and start to clean himself.

You just gotta know a lot about your little friend? he's just so extraordinary
And cute.

You gotta know?

To be continued

Capper x reader(a free kitten story) I need a home by Emily loveson حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن