"What about you?"

"Well, me and my dad knew that something like this would happen one day so he made sure i knew how to take care of myself if i had no one left but i still have my aunt in California. So I'm going to live with her. And I may be upset about it, but I know he wouldn't want me to mope around."

A ringing sound was heard and the two teens looked to see which one's phone was ringing. Sam was the lucky winner. He looked to see that it was his brother and answered the call. As this happened, Amelia was thinking. Before she goes to her Aunts, she wants to get rid of this thing; for her town and dad. It would be a good 'goodbye' present for the town and an amazing tribute to her father for all his hard work. 'Sam' Amelia thought to herself, 'Maybe he could help me.' By the time that thought went through her head, Sam had finished his conversation.

"Sorry. That was my brother Dean." Sam apologized.

"It's fine. Is that who you're working the case with, your brother?"

Sam nodded his head. "Yeah. Well, Dean and my dad. They wanted to know if I had any luck with researching information."

Taking a deep breath, Amelia got the courage to ask him for his and his family's help. "Well, I have my dad's old research in my hotel room. I want to finish this case for him but i need help. Do you think your brother and dad would be willing to help me finish this before I leave next week?" Not being use to other hunters will make this a fun experience for her.

Sam had to think for a second, his dad isn't really a working together type person unless it's someone he knows well. But if they can get rid of whatever this is, it's a good deal. "Yeah that's a good idea. Here tell me the address of the hotel and the room and my family and they'll come."

After texting his father to meet him there, nit giving that much info so he can't say no to helping Amelia yet, the two teenagers left the library to Sam's car. It took a while but he finally admitted that he had to 'borrow' it and Amelia asked no more. On he ride their, they got to know each other a little bit more. He told here how him and his family got into hunting, more about who his father and brother were, and a little about what his dad told him of his mom. Sam also told her how he wanted to get out of the life and maybe be apart of a normal family one day. He learned that Amelia's mom, Ann, died in a car accident by a drunk driver when she was six, how her and her dad started hunting by having a ghost almost kill her in a house they recently moved into a month after her mom died, and how even though she's leaving the life once she goes to live with her Aunt, she will still hunt if anything around her starts up. 

When they got to the room, They started pouring over all the information left in Daniel's notes. It was mostly written in a way that only he would understand exactly what it meant. It made things harder. Most of what was written were a few names, some circled and some with lines under it, and an object or two that the guy had on him at the time of his death. Those were some of things Amelia got off his body. They both liked having someone to research with. They were having fun hanging out with each other.

A knock on the door interrupted the two teens laughing at the joke Amelia made about how the way he father wrote made him seem like he was just learning English and only knew a few random words. Amelia stood and went to the door and opened it. There stood a confused John and Dean Winchester. Once they saw Sam in the back ground, they were still confused but were a little less worried. After explaining the whole situation to the other two, they waited to see if John would help Amelia out. He eventually agreed.

"Well know that this is out of the way, Me and Dean used our EMF reader and now we know we are looking for a ghost." John said. "Your dad wasn't originally what this thing was after so what are the last things you remember about what your dad was doing?"

Not The Only One // Sam Winchesters Daughter (Book 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя