Part 1

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Manyata is sitting in her room lost in her thoughts. Tears are rolling down her cheeks as she thinking how her beautiful life took a drastic turn and how she is forced to marry the person whom she hates the most. Yes there was a time when they were best friends but she didn't know his true colors . She never in her wildest dreams thought that he killed her akash . He knew she loves akash and only to find  him she wanted to become the yuvrani of devgarh and he helped her , and she like a fool thought that he helped her because she is his friend but no he did this so that after she becomes yuvrani he can marry her using that so called contact signed when they were kids and can rule over jaigarh as well as devgarh. He knew that she won't be able to find akash because he has already killed him but still he kept on motivating her to work hard to be the yuvrani only to crush all her hopes of finding her love mercilessly. Once he was her best friend but know she hates him and destiny played its cruel game with manyata and now she has to marry her biggest enemy who is non other than Yuvraj Udayveer Singh.

Her chain of thought broke as she heard someone knock .

Manyata: come in

Vijay entered her room along with unnati . Manyata smiled at them and gestured them to sit. Vijay amd unnati knew wht manyata must be thinking . Vijay cleared his throat and said

Vijay: manyata bhai hum apse kuch kehna chahte hain.
(I want to say sthing to u)

Manyata had a slight idea abt what he wants to say

Manyata: yes vijay bhai??

Vijay took a deep breath

Vijay: I know that u r angry on uday but .....

Before he could continue manyata shouted angrily

Manyata: angry??? Huh vijay bhai I'm not only angry on him infact I HATE HIM  . He killed my aakash . He took away all my happiness . I can never forgive him .

Unnati was just shedding silent tears. She knew how much her dada ( brother) loves manyata but here manyata hates him. She wants them to be happy. She is sure her dada cannot kill someone but how to make manyata understand it .

Vijay: calm down manyata bhai i can understand your emotions but how can u be so sure that uday has killed aakash..... okay u said u heard him confess this to jay but but maybe its one of her evil plans ...... just think about it wisely ..... uday has always been there for u even when everyone else was against u .... he was the only person who supported u .... he wasn't like this before ... he changed since u came back in our lives . He changed completely.

Manyata was confused . She heard uday say that he killed akash then how can this be jay's plan. And wht vijay is saying how did uday change

Manyata: vijay bhai wht do u mean ??

Vijay: look manyata bhai before u came back uday was a playboy. He used to change girlfriends like people change clothes . He was ruthless and arrogant. He would never do so much for anyone like he did for u that too by going against the family. Since u came he changed .... he's no more a playboy now ... he respects other's feelings. He wanted u to be the yuvrani of devgarh because he cared for u and he knew if jay becomes yuvrani then people there won't have a secure future.

Vijay never wanted to discuss abt uday's girlfriends with manyata especially when they are going ti get married but it was necessary to make her understand.

Manyata: no bhai he didn't do it for devgarh and it's people but because he wanted to rule over devgarh as well.
She said angrily . She can never believe that uday will ever think abt others

Vijay sighed

Unnati: (angrily) no manyata....dada doesn't want to rule over YOUR devgarh ..... u never understood him. He already has enough for himself . He is the future mahraj of jaigarh .... a powerful estate as well a successful businessman man.... my dada is not greedy for money or power..... (now becoming emotional with tears in his eyes) all he is greedy for is love.

Manyata looked at her confused

Unnati( with teary eyes): dada never got the love he deserved.... firstly mom left us when he was a little child who was already broken and crying in the memories of his lost best friend(manyata) and then mom leaving us was too much for him to handle as a child but still he stayed strong for me .... u know manyata its not dad who raised me after mom ..... it was my dada. He was my mom as well my dad . He fulfilled every wish of mine burying his pain deep in his heart but i can see it ( sobbing) he's not any monster manyata he's also a human and he also deserves happiness . I'm 200% sure my dada didn't kill akash . He can nver do it . He is my super hero he cannot kill anyone whether u believe it or not. He can hate but he can't kill

Vijay side hugged unnati who continued

Unnati: try to see his love manyata otherwise it would be too late.

Vijay : yes manyata bhai open your eyes. See his love . He loves u so much but u always hurt him but still he's always there for u.

Saying this both vijay and unnati left the room . Before leaving vijay kissed manyata's forehead and asked her to think abt wht they said and left leaving manyata in her thoughts but wht she didn't realize was that she was crying but this time not for akash but after listening to how much pain uday has endured but will she ever accept it or will her ego destroy her beautiful future.


Hey guys

Actually i was watching some of my old favorite shows and I had a sudden urge to write on manveer 🙈🙈

So i wrote whtever came to my mind😅


Manveer ff: Love after marraigeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن