Chapter Seven.

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Hailey's P.O.V:

I turn around and Zayn was standing behind me with a stern face.

"" I stuttered trying to find my own words.

"Just answer the damn question, yes or no?"

Now the jerk is back.

"Why would I answer you?"

Okay, where did that come from? He looks surprised as much as me.

"What did you say?"

He looks angry, some students were looking at us.

"You heard me why would I answer you?"

"I asked you a question, so fucking answer it!" His eyes, has a weird look, they're scanning my face carefully.

I stayed silent and before he has the chance to say anything the bell rang and I quickly shut my locker and went to my class before he can say anything, I didn't say goodbye to Maryam.

I entered the class and everyone was looking at me, so I guess they heard about what happened.

I don't care anymore he can do or say what ever he wants cause I'm sick of it, I don't care for his bullshit anymore, I had enough.

I sat in my usual seat and waited for the other students and the teacher to come because my mood is already ruined and I just wanna go no, and face James? no thanks, well going somewhere but here.

Finally the class was full and then Mr smith just came, our science teacher but before he could start the class the door opens revealing Zayn.

He walk to his seat which is right next to me without saying a word to the teacher like usual.

We start the class and I swear I could feel Zayn's eyes burning my side but like I said I don't care anymore.

"Okay, so guys before I forget I want you all to write a report about the wild sea animals. I advice you kids to watch national geographic channel, It'll help you to know more or you can search on Google or whatever, it's due Wednesday."

All the students groaned but one thought was inside of my head, how the hell will I watch Tv?

James would never let me, I can watch anything I want if he was out. My phone doesn't have Wi-Fi and I don't have anything else to do this report with.

Before I could think, I stood up. "What if you can't? Like you're not allowed to?"

"Well miss Brooks, you have to tell your parents and plus I can't give you an mark if you don't turn it on." He said giving me an apologetic look.

"What if you don't have parents?" I blurted out without thinking, my eyes widened and I put my hands on my mouth.

The room was silent and everybody was looking at me, Damn me and my big mouth.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr smith said but I quickly cover it up.

"Oh nothing, I'll do it sir don't worry, I'm good." I said with a fake smile and quickly sat back down.

I can feel eyes on me and it made me really uncomfortable, the bell rang and I sighed in relief before grabbing my books and stormed out of class.

It's lunch time and I headed towards cafeteria, sitting in our normal table. Maryam had a class today so I was sitting alone.

As I kept eating, I felt a presence sitting beside me. I looked up to see Lucy, the girl I met yesterday in the park.

"Hey Hailey, how are you?" She gave me a sweet smile which she returned.

"I'm good, what about you?"

"Good as well, but school sucks and I hate it." She made a face making me laugh.

"Yeah! But I love studying so I don't have a problem." She looks at me like I had three heads.

"You're the first I have ever seen who loves school." She said making me giggle.

"Well that's just me." I shrugged, sipping on my Apple juice.

"Do you always sit alone?" Lucy asked me seconds later.

"Oh no, actually my friend has a class at the moment and so I'm alone this time."

"Who's your friend? Maybe I know her."

"Her name's Maryam." She gasped and her eyes widen.

"Maryam? You mean Maryam as in Harry's girlfriend!?" I nodded slowly unsure from what to say.

Does she know her?

"My God, sometimes I see her and Harry together, and I have to say they're really cute together." I smiled at the last part.

"Yeah, they are."

"But I didn't know you guys are friends." She frowned looking at me.

"We have been friends since we were babies, but we don't see each other that much because of school and classes." She nodded her head and was about to say something but a high pitched voice was heard.

"Lucy, where the hell have you been? We have been looking for you for five mintues."

I laughed at the five mintues and think and turned around to see two beautiful girls standing beside the table.

I know them from somewhere, but I can't remember exactly.

"I was talking to my new friend Hailey and wanted to ask her to come with us to our table but you two bitches ruined it, and really? Five mintues." Lucy rambled.

I started laughing, trying to cover my mouth with my hand and they looked at me with weird smiles.

"Sorry, it's just you guys fighting like this reminded me of me and Maryam and it's just funny." I shrugged with a smile.

"It's fine we do that all the time." The brunette girl said. "Oh by the way I'm Eleanor and this is Sophia."

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Hailey."

"Girls, good news. Hailey is Maryam's friend, Harry's girlfriend." Lucy said smiling making their eyes widen.

I nodded with a shy smile, I'm not used to this girly talk thing, besides I just met them.

"That's great, although we haven't seen you with her before." Sophia said with furrowed eyes.

"Hailey just likes to keep to herself and doesn't like the attention that much." Lucy explained and I nodded my head.

"Hey Hailey how about you come with us to our table?" Eleanor suggested.

I debated it for a few seconds but decided to get out of my shell for a bit.

"Sure." I shrugged before picking up my tray and following them behind.

We went to their table and started talking, they're really nice girls and sweet. Our chatter was cut off by a voice behind me.

"What are you doing on our table?"

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