Death's Aftercause

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Has anyone ever realized how odd death is?

I mean your body goes limp, and you have reached internal sleep.

Where does your mind go, and what really happens?

Some believe that your body stay on earth but your soul roams heaven or hell depending on how you behaved.

But what if thats just a myth? What if its just a dream we never wake up from?

For some, maybe a dream is unfair. Because for those who died before they should have, could be traped in an internal nightmare they can never escape.

Whats fucked up, isn't knowing that you could die at anytime, Its knowing you dont have time left to live.

To all of those who were told they would be dead in a few months because of cancer, you have the most fucked up situation of all.

Not only do you know death is coming, you know how long you have left and there is nearly nothing you can do about it.

That ladies and gentlemen, is whats fucked up.

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