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              I hit the off button and turned over in my bed i slowly drifted back to sleep." Y/N GET YOUR ASS OUT THE BED NOW." Was how my mom decided to wake me up" I'm up."I slowly rolled out of my bed.I picked my clothes out of my closet and went to take a hot shower. I loved the way the hot water hit my light carmel skin.When i got out i put on my clothes i chose to wear a white crop top with a black leather jacket on top black jeans that hade cuts and my white jordans.Once i was satisfied with my look i grabbed my bag and headded down stairs "Morning mom." I saw her standing at the stove cooking pancakes.She turned to me and smiled "Morning sweety"i ate gave a kiss to mom ans bid my goodbye.

i walked to school i have a car but hell do i need exercise. I entered the school gated and went to

my locker i was getting my book when I heard loud screams and i knew exactly what or shall i say who was coming.I closed my locker turned around to be greeted by my smiling best friend walking to me with the rest of the other six boys that were winking at girls as they passed by them.

He ran to me hugging me  making me tumble a little "Hey y/n how's my best friend." he flashed me that beautiful smile of his all I could do was admire him. I was snapped out of my thoughts as he snapped in front of my face and I replyed with a smile "I'm good and you" " i'm okay I guess." I just stood there not wanting to ask but his face dropped as soon as I asked that. Then I saw the cute Maknae of the group. Once he spotted me I was able to see the cute bunny smile as always."Noona !!!!!" he came and bear hugged me making me smile bigger than usual. "HEY!!! I want a hug from y/n too." The boy with the box smile said as he ran to me  I just smiles "Hey,Tae its nice to see you to" He hugged me tighter than usual I was out of breath.

"T-tae...I-I c-can't breath" I stuttered out when jimin looked away from the girl he was flirting with as he walked away from her over to me and tae."Hey Tae don't kill her "then walked over  the boy with blond hair that looked like he was going to take a nap on the floor came and leaned on my shoulder "Hello to you too Yoong's ." He growled lazily " I just wanna sleep" I just laughed and put his head on the wall.The boy that was cheerful as always lifted me in a hug "Y/N!!!I missed you so much." "Awwww  I missed you to hobi ." he walked away to go help yoongi off the floor .Jin came and said "I'm dearly sorry for leaving those  idiots with you ." I giggled "Well Tae almost squeezed me to death." The older boy walked away fro me to scold the younger one who was play fighting with kookie I was last greeted by the dimpled boy "Hey Joon you need to keep those boys in check I almost died ."all he did was laugh.


       We all walked away going to our home room with jimin and jungkook we had math. I sat down as I watched the class fill with others but on person walked in that I regret looking at. Kim Hyuna she looked at me then to jimin who was busy staring at some other girl. I hate hyuna she always threatened me to stay away from Bts . but I always told her that I don't talk to whores ..ect. The black haired girl walked over to jimin  sat in front of him once he noticed her she turned and started flirting with him I thought he would ignore her but who was I kidding he flirted right back and it just made me jealous but I'm not jimin's girlfriend to decide what he does it just hurt me a lot. I looked away at tae and kook who were having an awkward staring contest wich caused a giggle to slip out my mouth. Soon the teacher walked in and everyone went quiet the teacher name was Mr. Byun he just sighed and said "I have to grade a lot of you papers so do what you want." everyone went back to talking while I just sat there day dreaming. that ended when two boys came over to me who seemed shy he soon looked at me . When he started to speak he spoke he looked everywhere but at me "do you to boys need something" I asked with a smile he answered with " W-well me and my f-friend were wondering if you'd like to come to my p-party tomorrow. " I thought about and finaly said "sure ."the  boy looked at me wide eyed and stammered out "R-really!"   "yeah" I giggled out. He smiled and said okay then went to sit down I could hear him whisper yell " I cant believe the prettiest girl in school is coming to my party. Dude I'm losing my shit right now." I just sat and smiled at the two.

            My smile faded when I looked at jimin who had hyuna's tongue down his throat and I wanted to just crawl in a whole and cry. Hyuna seen me looking and she just winked so I just smiled and flipped her off she cut the make out session and pouted to jimin" Oppa y/n just flipped me off . "He looked at me with an angry face that I thought was hot as hell. " What the that slut got what se deserved." I said while she scoffed, he looked a me with a -what the fuck - expression "I'm not a slut you bitch" I just giggled " Why are you laughing y/n" jimin asked "Well she should tell that to the guys pants she's been in ." Hyuna was so pissed she lunged at me














I looked down and noticed the she  was lying in the floor  with a bloody nose

* Riiiinnngg.............


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