My jaw fell slack and I almost laughed. Almost. The idea of Zayn and I being together was so ludicrous, so preposterous, that I couldn't believe that Harry had even thought about it, let alone said it out loud. It was true that I had grown close to Harry's previous second. He was excited for the baby and seemed to enjoy my company as much as I did his. At first, he was a bit over-the-top about it all, but I'd quickly learned that when he was younger, his mother had been pregnant with a baby, and she'd lost it. He had been excited to become a big brother, and the news completely devastated him, therefore he'd promised me that he would make sure that I had a good pregnancy. It was rather sweet and unexpected, but he'd only reminded me that he did happen to care for me--all of the boys did.

"What are you on?" I hissed, my hands coming up to try and push Harry's close proximity away. I hated that he could seem so intimidating just because he had a tall, looming height, not to mention the fact that his strength overpowered mine tenfold.

He raised an eyebrow at both my feeble attempts and my unexpected question. "Not Zayn."

If he had been surprised by my words, it was nothing compared to how shocked I felt at his. The snarky comeback seemed like something Harry would say, definitely, just not the Harry that I had seen since he'd returned. I'd known that it was only a matter of time before the sweet, caring, "my-girlfriend's-having-a-baby" Harry disappeared. I just hoped that his jealousy wouldn't taint all of that.

"I'm serious, Harry, you're not even making sense!" I cried in frustration as I glared up at his angry expression. "I've never even looked at any of the other boys in any romantic or sexual way, and you know it. Since you left before, I have gotten closer to them, but no one has ever even come close to you."

"Cuddling on the couch doesn't seem toounromantic to me," he bit back, grasping at the one bit from my miniature rant and holding onto it. "Might as well be fucking him, Alice!"

I had to bite down onto my tongue to stop from screaming out loud. I was beyond frustrated now. How could Harry think that way after everything we'd been through? It just seemed so ludicrous.

"How can you even say that?" I finally retaliated. "Who did I make love to? You. Who did I put all of my trust in you? You. Whose baby am I having?" I didn't feel the need to even answer my own question again. "You're just not making sense, Harry! I feel like you're trying to cause more problems! We have enough of them already what with you sleeping around and--"

"Are you really going to start this shit up again?" Harry cut across me angrily. "I already told you that I was sorry, but you just can't let it go--"

"LET IT GO?!" I screamed. "You want me to let it go? Sorry doesn't mean one damn thing to me because you said that the first time you slept around! I'm over here pregnant and what are you doing? Getting drunk and sleeping with whores!"

"At least she was a hot whore!"

Our yells were echoing around the kitchen, and I was sure that Zayn could hear us, not to mention the fact that if Harry was home, the rest of the boys couldn't have been far behind. "Well what's that supposed to mean?" My voice had deflated some, hurt overtaking all of the anger residing in my system.

"I'm so fucking done with this," was the only thing Harry came back with as he shoved angrily from the wall behind me. I flinched away from his fury, a squeak of surprise and fear coming from me as Harry abruptly knocked the toaster off of the counter, sending it crashing into the kitchen table. "I come back, and all you do is nag and whine and complain! I want to spend time with you, yet whenever I try, you start getting pissy because you don't understand anything and everyone's being cryptic! Well I'm fucking done!"

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