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I'm sorry.

I really, really, am sorry. I said some terrible things to you before I left. It's just that... I don't get it. Why you didn't want me to go live with Kyle, I mean (he refuses to let me call him Dad, for some reason). Kyle's house might not be as beautiful, but it's closer to the university and this way, I get to know something about my father. I know you told me that he's nothing but a bastard, and that it's better to stay away from him, but he's been nothing but nice. He's been trying his best to take off time in the lab and spend it with me so we can get to know each other. I can tell he's really been making an effort, not just pretending.

He did seem kind of disappointed that I don't have a science major though.

Anyway, I just wanted to say sorry. I hate this, not being on speaking terms. Despite being an adult, I still need you in my life.

Lots of love,


Hi Mom,

Your favorite (and only) daughter here. This is gonna be kind of short because I have to go to class, but I haven't talked to you in a while, so I'm sending this instead.

Classes are going steady. I especially love my Fiction Writing class, it leaves me absolutely full of inspiration.

Kyle is fine. A bit tired because apparently, a major accident happened in the lab and he's been there for long shifts. Honestly, I don't even know what goes on in there, he won't tell me anything.

Also, I'll be coming home for the entirety of the break. Happy news, right?

Anyways, I have to go.

Lots of love,



I know you're at work right now, but Kyle didn't come home last night.

He walked in at noon today.

I almost went out of my mind waiting for him to come home. I didn't know if I should call the police or what to do at all. And when he did come home, I burst into tears and yelled at him for making me so scared. He got angry and said it didn't matter and that he often stays late at work so I should just get used to it.

And then he asked if we still had spaghetti in the fridge, and acted like it was nothing.

The point is, I was so scared. And I don't know how to tell him to call next time.

Advice, please?



Hi Mom,

You know that guy in Fiction Writing that I told you about? Robin?

Well, we're kind of sort of almost-not-quite-dating-yet.

I honestly don't know what to call whatever relationship we have.

But it's a really good one.

- J


It's gotten really bad. Kyle broke the record and came home after a week.

He texted me everyday that he was still in the lab

But it was only that. At 10 pm, he'd just be like: I'm still in the lab


I haven't seen Robin in a week.

He wasn't in Fiction Writing, or in his dorm room. I checked on Friday, and his roommate said that he didn't know where he was and that he hadn't seen him in a week either.

I'm so scared.

- J

Mom, I need your help.

Do know what kind of research Kyle does?


I can barely even write this.

Yesterday Kyle came home and he had a full case of paperwork with him. He's been acting weird since I told him that Robin's roommate told me that he left the university. And when I went in the office with a cup of tea for him, I saw one of the files on his desk.

It had a photo of Robin.

Later when he went to sleep I snuck into the office and read the files.

Mom, whatever it is that Kyle is doing, it's illegal.


I told Kyle that I got fired from my job and that I needed a new one. I asked him for a job in the lab.

He said whatever was in there is top secret.

I told him I just needed something that pays, like a front desk lady or something.

I've been reading the files he brings home and whatever is on his computer. I've figured out what's happening in there.

But I need to know more.

I'm going to break Robin out.

- Jiyanil

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